
class MessageComposerController(channelCid: String, chatClient: ChatClient = ChatClient.instance(), val channelState: StateFlow<ChannelState?>, mediaRecorder: StreamMediaRecorder, userLookupHandler: UserLookupHandler, fileToUri: (File) -> String, maxAttachmentCount: Int = AttachmentConstants.MAX_ATTACHMENTS_COUNT, isLinkPreviewEnabled: Boolean = false)

Controller responsible for handling the composing and sending of messages.

It acts as a central place for both the core business logic and state required to create and send messages, handle attachments, message actions and more.

If you require more state and business logic, compose this Controller with your code and apply the necessary changes.



The CID of the channel we're chatting in.


The client used to communicate to the API.


The current state of the channel.


The media recorder used to record audio messages.


The handler used to lookup users for mentions.


The function used to convert a file to a URI.


The maximum number of attachments that can be sent in a single message.


If the link preview is enabled in the channel.


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constructor(channelCid: String, chatClient: ChatClient = ChatClient.instance(), channelState: StateFlow<ChannelState?>, mediaRecorder: StreamMediaRecorder, userLookupHandler: UserLookupHandler, fileToUri: (File) -> String, maxAttachmentCount: Int = AttachmentConstants.MAX_ATTACHMENTS_COUNT, isLinkPreviewEnabled: Boolean = false)


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val alsoSendToChannel: MutableStateFlow<Boolean>

If the message will be shown in the channel after it is sent.

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val channelState: StateFlow<ChannelState?>
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val commandSuggestions: MutableStateFlow<List<Command>>

Represents the list of commands that can be executed for the channel.

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val cooldownTimer: MutableStateFlow<Int>

Represents the remaining time until the user is allowed to send the next message.

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val input: MutableStateFlow<String>

UI state of the current composer input.

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Represents a Flow that holds the last active MessageAction that is either the Edit, Reply.

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val linkPreviews: MutableStateFlow<List<LinkPreview>>

Represents the list of links that can be previewed.

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val mentionSuggestions: MutableStateFlow<List<User>>

Represents the list of users that can be used to autocomplete the current mention input.

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val messageActions: MutableStateFlow<Set<MessageAction>>

Set of currently active message actions. These are used to display different UI in the composer, as well as help us decorate the message with information, such as the quoted message id.

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val messageInput: MutableStateFlow<MessageInput>

UI state of the current composer input.

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val messageMode: MutableStateFlow<MessageMode>

Current message mode, either MessageMode.Normal or MessageMode.MessageThread. Used to determine if we're sending a thread reply or a regular message.

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val ownCapabilities: StateFlow<Set<String>>

Holds information about the abilities the current user is able to exercise in the given channel.

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val selectedAttachments: MutableStateFlow<List<Attachment>>

Represents the currently selected attachments, that are shown within the composer UI.

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val state: MutableStateFlow<MessageComposerState>

Full message composer state holding all the required information.

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Buffers typing updates.

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val validationErrors: MutableStateFlow<List<ValidationError>>

Represents the list of validation errors for the current text input and the currently selected attachments.


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Stores the selected attachments from the attachment picker. These will be shown in the UI, within the composer component. We upload and send these attachments once the user taps on the send button.

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fun buildNewMessage(message: String, attachments: List<Attachment> = emptyList()): Message

Builds a new Message to send to our API. If isInEditMode is true, we use the current action's message and apply the given changes.

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Cancels audio recording and moves MessageComposerState.recording state to RecordingState.Idle.

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fun clearData()

Clears all the data from the input - both the current input value and the selectedAttachments.

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Completes audio recording and moves MessageComposerState.recording state to RecordingState.Complete. Also, it wil update MessageComposerState.attachments list.

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fun createPoll(pollConfig: PollConfig, onResult: (Result<Message>) -> Unit = {})

Creates a poll with the given pollConfig.

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Dismisses all message actions from the UI and clears the input if isInEditMode is true.

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Dismisses the suggestions popup above the message composer.

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fun holdRecording(offset: Pair<Float, Float>? = null)

Sends coordinates of the touch event to the AudioRecordingController.

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Updates the UI state when leaving the thread, to switch back to the MessageMode.Normal, by calling setMessageMode.

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fun onCleared()

Cancels any pending work when the parent ViewModel is about to be destroyed.

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Pauses audio recording and sets RecordingState.Overview.isPlaying to false.

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Handles selected messageAction. We only have three actions we can react to in the composer:

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Removes a selected attachment from the list, when the user taps on the cancel/delete button.

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fun seekRecordingTo(progress: Float)

Pauses audio recording and seeks to the given progress. Sets RecordingState.Overview.isPlaying to false. Sets RecordingState.Overview.playingProgress to the given progress.

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fun selectCommand(command: Command)

Switches the message composer to the command input mode.

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fun selectMention(user: User)

Autocompletes the current text input with the mention from the selected user.

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fun sendMessage(message: Message, callback: Call.Callback<Message>)

Sends a given message using our Stream API. Based on isInEditMode, we either edit an existing message, or we send a new message, using ChatClient. In case the message is a moderated message the old one is deleted before the replacing one is sent.

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fun setAlsoSendToChannel(alsoSendToChannel: Boolean)

Called when the "Also send as a direct message" checkbox is checked or unchecked.

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Called when the input changes and the internal state needs to be updated.

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fun setMessageMode(messageMode: MessageMode)

Called when the message mode changes and the internal state needs to be updated.

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fun startRecording(offset: Pair<Float, Float>? = null)

Starts audio recording and moves MessageComposerState.recording state from RecordingState.Idle to RecordingState.Hold.

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Stops audio recording and moves MessageComposerState.recording state to RecordingState.Overview.

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Toggles the visibility of the command suggestion list popup.

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Toggles audio recording playback if MessageComposerState.recording is instance of RecordingState.Overview.