Default 'Pinned Messages List' component, which relies on PinnedMessageListViewModel to show and allow interactions with the pinned messages from a given channel.
The PinnedMessageListViewModel holding the data and the business logic for showing the pinned messages from a given channel.
Modifier instance for general styling.
The currently logged User, used for formatting the message preview.
Action to be invoked when the user clicks on a message from the list.
Composable rendering each Message item in the list. Override this to provide custom component for rendering the items.
Composable rendering the divider between messages. Override this to provide (or remove) the default divider.
Composable shown when there are no pinned messages to display. Override this to provide custom component for rendering the empty state.
Composable shown during the initial loading of the pinned messages. Override this to provide a custom initial loading state.
Composable shown at the bottom of the list during the loading of more pinned messages (pagination). Override this to provide a custom loading component shown during the loading of more items.