Package-level declarations


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data class AudioPlayerState(val current: AudioPlayerState.CurrentAudioState = CurrentAudioState(), val seekTo: IntFloatMap = intFloatMapOf())

Represents the state of the audio player.

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data class CancelGiphy(val message: Message) : GiphyAction

Cancel the ephemeral message.

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data class CustomModerationOption(val text: Int, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : ModeratedMessageOption

Custom actions that you can define for moderated messages.

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Represents a date separator inside the message list.

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Intended to be used for regulating visibility of deleted messages and filtering them out accordingly.

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Prompts the user to delete the message if the message was flagged by moderation.

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Prompts the user to edit the message if the message was flagged by moderation.

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Represents an empty thread placeholder item inside thread messages list.

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sealed class GiphyAction

Represents the list of actions users can take with ephemeral giphy messages.

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Represents either regular or system message item inside a message list.

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Represents the state when the message is currently being focused.

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Represents the state when we've removed the focus from the message.

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sealed class MessageFocusState

Represents the message focus state, in case the user jumps to a message.

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Intended to be used for regulating the visibility of a single message footer visibility.

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data class MessageItemState(    val message: Message = Message(),     val parentMessageId: String? = null,     val isMine: Boolean = false,     val isInThread: Boolean = false,     val showMessageFooter: Boolean = false,     val currentUser: User? = null,     val groupPosition: List<MessagePosition> = listOf(MessagePosition.NONE),     val isMessageRead: Boolean = false,     val deletedMessageVisibility: DeletedMessageVisibility = DeletedMessageVisibility.ALWAYS_HIDDEN,     val focusState: MessageFocusState? = null,     val messageReadBy: List<ChannelUserRead> = emptyList(),     val ownCapabilities: Set<String>) : HasMessageListItemState

Represents a message item inside the messages list.

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Represents a list item inside a message list.

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data class MessageListState(    val messageItems: List<MessageListItemState> = emptyList(),     val endOfNewMessagesReached: Boolean = true,     val endOfOldMessagesReached: Boolean = false,     val isLoading: Boolean = false,     val isLoadingNewerMessages: Boolean = false,     val isLoadingOlderMessages: Boolean = false,     val currentUser: User? = User(),     val parentMessageId: String? = null,     val unreadCount: Int = 0,     val newMessageState: NewMessageState? = null,     val selectedMessageState: SelectedMessageState? = null)

Holds the state of the messages list screen.

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Determines the alignment of the reaction icon inside user reactions.

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Represents the group position of a message, if the message is in a group. Otherwise represented as NONE.

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Represents a moderated message inside the message list.

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Represents possible options user can take upon moderating a message.

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data class MyOwn(val ts: Long?) : NewMessageState

If the message is our own (we sent it), we scroll to the bottom of the list.

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sealed class NewMessageState

Represents the state when a new message arrives to the channel.

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data class Other(val ts: Long?) : NewMessageState

If the message is someone else's (we didn't send it), we show a "New message" bubble.

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data class SelectedMessageFailedModerationState(val message: Message, val ownCapabilities: Set<String>) : SelectedMessageState

Represents a state when the moderated message was selected.

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data class SelectedMessageOptionsState(val message: Message, val ownCapabilities: Set<String>) : SelectedMessageState

Represents a state when a message was selected.

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data class SelectedMessageReactionsPickerState(val message: Message, val ownCapabilities: Set<String>) : SelectedMessageState

Represents a state when the show more reactions button was clicked.

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data class SelectedMessageReactionsState(val message: Message, val ownCapabilities: Set<String>) : SelectedMessageState

Represents a state when message reactions were selected.

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Represents a state when a message or its reactions were selected.

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Prompts the user to send the message anyway if the message was flagged by moderation.

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data class SendGiphy(val message: Message) : GiphyAction

Send the selected giphy message to the channel.

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data class ShuffleGiphy(val message: Message) : GiphyAction

Perform the giphy shuffle operation.

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Represents the start of the channel inside a message list.

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Represents a system message inside the message list.

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data class ThreadDateSeparatorItemState(val date: Date, val replyCount: Int) : MessageListItemState

Represents a date separator inside thread messages list.

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data class TypingItemState(val typingUsers: List<User>) : MessageListItemState

Represents a typing indicator item inside a message list.

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data class UnreadSeparatorItemState(val unreadCount: Int) : MessageListItemState

Represents an unread separator item inside a message list.

Inherited functions

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Determines if the user reaction should be aligned to start or end.

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Returns a string representation of the MessageListItemState.