
data class Message(val id: String = "", val cid: String = "", val text: String = "", val html: String = "", val parentId: String? = null, val command: String? = null, val attachments: List<Attachment> = listOf(), val mentionedUsersIds: List<String> = listOf(), val mentionedUsers: List<User> = listOf(), val replyCount: Int = 0, val deletedReplyCount: Int = 0, val reactionCounts: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), val reactionScores: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), val reactionGroups: Map<String, ReactionGroup> = mapOf(), val syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, val type: String = "", val latestReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), val ownReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val updatedLocallyAt: Date? = null, var createdLocallyAt: Date? = null, val user: User = User(), val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val silent: Boolean = false, val shadowed: Boolean = false, val i18n: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), val showInChannel: Boolean = false, val channelInfo: ChannelInfo? = null, val replyTo: Message? = null, val replyMessageId: String? = null, val pinned: Boolean = false, val pinnedAt: Date? = null, val pinExpires: Date? = null, val pinnedBy: User? = null, val threadParticipants: List<User> = emptyList(), val skipPushNotification: Boolean = false, val skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, val moderationDetails: MessageModerationDetails? = null, val moderation: Moderation? = null, val messageTextUpdatedAt: Date? = null, val poll: Poll? = null) : CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider


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constructor(id: String = "", cid: String = "", text: String = "", html: String = "", parentId: String? = null, command: String? = null, attachments: List<Attachment> = listOf(), mentionedUsersIds: List<String> = listOf(), mentionedUsers: List<User> = listOf(), replyCount: Int = 0, deletedReplyCount: Int = 0, reactionCounts: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), reactionScores: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), reactionGroups: Map<String, ReactionGroup> = mapOf(), syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, type: String = "", latestReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), ownReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), createdAt: Date? = null, updatedAt: Date? = null, deletedAt: Date? = null, updatedLocallyAt: Date? = null, createdLocallyAt: Date? = null, user: User = User(), extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), silent: Boolean = false, shadowed: Boolean = false, i18n: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), showInChannel: Boolean = false, channelInfo: ChannelInfo? = null, replyTo: Message? = null, replyMessageId: String? = null, pinned: Boolean = false, pinnedAt: Date? = null, pinExpires: Date? = null, pinnedBy: User? = null, threadParticipants: List<User> = emptyList(), skipPushNotification: Boolean = false, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, moderationDetails: MessageModerationDetails? = null, moderation: Moderation? = null, messageTextUpdatedAt: Date? = null, poll: Poll? = null)


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class Builder
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object Companion


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The list of message attachments

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val cid: String

Channel unique identifier in : format

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val command: String? = null

Contains provided slash command

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val createdAt: Date? = null

When the message was created

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When the message was created locally

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val deletedAt: Date? = null

When the message was deleted

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The number of deleted replies to this message

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open override val extraData: Map<String, Any>

All the custom data provided for this message

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The message text formatted as HTML

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Mapping with translations. Key language contains the original language key. Other keys contain translations.

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val id: String

The unique string identifier of the message. This is either created by Stream or set on the client side when the message is added.

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List of the latest reactions to this message

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The list of user mentioned in the message

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The list of user mentioned in the message

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Date when the message text was updated

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val moderation: Moderation? = null

Contains moderation details of the message. (used by moderation v2)

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Contains moderation details of the message. (used by moderation v1)

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List of reactions of authenticated user to this message

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val parentId: String? = null

The ID of the parent message, if the message is a thread reply

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val pinExpires: Date? = null

Date when pinned message expires

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val pinned: Boolean = false

Whether message is pinned or not

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val pinnedAt: Date? = null

Date when the message got pinned

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val pinnedBy: User? = null

Contains user who pinned the message

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val poll: Poll? = null

Contains poll configuration

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A mapping between reaction type and the count, ie like:10, heart:4

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A mapping between reaction type and the ReactionGroup.

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A mapping between reaction type and the reaction score, ie like:10, heart:4

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val replyCount: Int = 0

The number of replies to this message

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val replyMessageId: String? = null

The ID of the quoted message, if the message is a quoted reply.

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val replyTo: Message? = null

Contains quoted message

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val shadowed: Boolean = false

If the message was sent by shadow banned user

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val showInChannel: Boolean = false

Whether thread reply should be shown in the channel as well

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val silent: Boolean = false

Whether message is silent or not

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val skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false

If the message should skip enriching the URL. If URl is not enriched, it will not be displayed as a link attachment. Used when sending or updating a message. False by default.

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If the message should skip triggering a push notification when sent. Used when sending a new message. False by default.

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If the message has been synced to the servers, default is synced

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The text of this message

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The list of users who participate in thread

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Contains type of the message. Can be one of the following: regular, ephemeral, error, reply, system, deleted.

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val updatedAt: Date? = null

When the message was updated

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val updatedLocallyAt: Date? = null

When the message was updated locally

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val user: User

The user who sent the message


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open override fun getComparableField(fieldName: String): Comparable<*>?

Gets a comparable fields from a name.

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fun getTranslation(language: String): String
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Identifier of message. The message can't be considered the same if the id of the message AND the id of a quoted message are not the same.

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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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open fun <T> getExtraValue(key: String, default: T): T