
data class NotificationMarkReadEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0, val channelLastMessageAt: Date?, val threadId: String? = null, val thread: ThreadInfo? = null, val unreadThreads: Int? = null, val unreadThreadMessages: Int? = null) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when the count of unread messages for a particular channel changes


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constructor(type: String, createdAt: Date, rawCreatedAt: String, user: User, cid: String, channelType: String, channelId: String, totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, unreadChannels: Int = 0, channelLastMessageAt: Date?, threadId: String? = null, thread: ThreadInfo? = null, unreadThreads: Int? = null, unreadThreadMessages: Int? = null)


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open override val channelId: String
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open override val channelLastMessageAt: Date?
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open override val channelType: String
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open override val cid: String
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open override val createdAt: Date
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open override val rawCreatedAt: String
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val thread: ThreadInfo? = null
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val threadId: String? = null
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open override val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0
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open override val type: String
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open override val unreadChannels: Int = 0
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val unreadThreads: Int? = null
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open override val user: User

Inherited properties

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val seq: Int

Inherited functions

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