Plugin is an extension for ChatClient.
Updates the SDK before the attachments are sent to backend. It can be used to update the database with the message whose attachments are going to be sent or to change the state of the messages that are presented to the end user.
Runs side effect after the request was completed.
Run precondition for the request. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.createChannel. The request will be run if the method returns Result.Success and won't be made if it returns Result.Failure.
A method called before making an API call to create a channel.
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.deleteChannel. The request will be run if the method returns Result.Success and won't be made if it returns Result.Failure.
A method called before making an API call to delete a channel.
A method called after receiving the response from the delete channel call.
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.deleteReaction. The request will be run if the method returns Result.Success and won't be made if it returns Result.Failure.
A method called before making an API call to delete the reaction.
Called when the current user is fetched from the backend.
Method called when the API call requesting a single new message has completed.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the result of the ChatClient.getNewerReplies request.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the result of the ChatClient.getRepliesMore request.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the result of the ChatClient.getReplies request.
A method called after receiving the response from the send Giphy call.
Run precondition for the request. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the result of the request.
Register this side effect to run just before actual ChatClient.markAllRead request is launched.
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.deleteMessage. The request will be run if the method returns Result.Success and won't be made if it returns Result.Failure.
Method called when a request to delete a message in the API happens
Method called when a request for message deletion return. Use it to update database, update messages or to present an error to the user.
Method called when a request for message edition happens. Use it to update database, update messages in the SDK, update the UI when a message occurs...
Method called when a request for message edition return. Use it to update database, update messages or to present an error to the user.
Side effect to be invoked when the original request is completed with a response.
Runs side effect after the request was completed.
Run precondition for the request. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the result of the request.
Run precondition for the request. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs this function on the Result of this QueryChannelsRequest.
Runs this function on the Result of this request.
Run precondition for the request. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.
Runs side effect before the request is launched.
Runs side effect the request was completed.
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.sendReaction. The request will be run if the method returns Result.Success and won't be made if it returns Result.Failure.
A method called before making an API call to send the reaction.
A method called after receiving the response from the shuffle Giphy call.
Runs this precondition before ChatClient.keystroke and ChatClient.stopTyping request is invoked.
Runs this side effect before ChatClient.keystroke and ChatClient.stopTyping request is invoked.
Runs this side effect after ChatClient.keystroke and ChatClient.stopTyping request is completed.
Runs side effect after the request was completed.
Inherited functions
Runs precondition check for ChatClient.getReplies, ChatClient.getNewerReplies and ChatClient.getRepliesMore. If it returns Result.Success then the request is run otherwise it returns Result.Failure and no request is made.