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class DefaultQuotedAttachmentViewStyle(@Px val fileAttachmentHeight: Int, @Px val fileAttachmentWidth: Int, @Px val imageAttachmentHeight: Int, @Px val imageAttachmentWidth: Int, @Px val quotedImageRadius: Int) : ViewStyle

Style to be applied to DefaultQuotedAttachmentView. Use TransformStyle.defaultQuotedAttachmentViewStyleTransformer to change the style programmatically.

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class EndlessMessageListScrollListener(loadMoreThreshold: Int, loadMoreAtTopListener: () -> Unit, loadMoreAtBottomListener: () -> Unit) : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener

Scroll listener which checks the layout manager of the MessageListView, listens for scrolling gestures and triggers pagination when reaching the end top of the list.

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data class FileAttachmentViewStyle(@ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val strokeColor: Int, @Px val strokeWidth: Int, @Px val cornerRadius: Int, val progressBarDrawable: Drawable, val actionButtonIcon: Drawable, val failedAttachmentIcon: Drawable, val titleTextStyle: TextStyle, val fileSizeTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle
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data class GiphyViewHolderStyle(@ColorInt val cardBackgroundColor: Int, @Px val cardElevation: Float, @ColorInt val cardButtonDividerColor: Int, val giphyIcon: Drawable, val labelTextStyle: TextStyle, val queryTextStyle: TextStyle, val cancelButtonTextStyle: TextStyle, val shuffleButtonTextStyle: TextStyle, val sendButtonTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle

Style for GiphyViewHolder. Use this class together with TransformStyle.giphyViewHolderStyleTransformer to change styles programmatically.

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data class MessageListItemStyle(@ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkTextColorMine: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkTextColorTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageLinkBackgroundColorMine: Int, @ColorInt val messageLinkBackgroundColorTheirs: Int, val linkDescriptionMaxLines: Int, val textStyleMine: TextStyle, val textStyleTheirs: TextStyle, val textStyleUserName: TextStyle, val textStyleMessageDate: TextStyle, val textStyleMessageLanguage: TextStyle, val textStyleThreadCounter: TextStyle, val textStyleReadCounter: TextStyle, val threadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkLabel: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkTitle: TextStyle, val textStyleLinkDescription: TextStyle, @ColorInt val dateSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, val textStyleDateSeparator: TextStyle, val reactionsViewStyle: ViewReactionsViewStyle, val editReactionsViewStyle: EditReactionsViewStyle, val iconIndicatorSent: Drawable, val iconIndicatorRead: Drawable, val iconIndicatorPendingSync: Drawable, val iconOnlyVisibleToYou: Drawable, val textStyleMessageDeleted: TextStyle, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackground: Int, val textStyleMessageDeletedMine: TextStyle?, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackgroundMine: Int?, val textStyleMessageDeletedTheirs: TextStyle?, @ColorInt val messageDeletedBackgroundTheirs: Int?, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorMine: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthMine: Float, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorTheirs: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthTheirs: Float, val textStyleSystemMessage: TextStyle, val textStyleErrorMessage: TextStyle, val pinnedMessageIndicatorTextStyle: TextStyle, val pinnedMessageIndicatorIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val pinnedMessageBackgroundColor: Int, @Px val messageStartMargin: Int, @Px val messageEndMargin: Int, val messageMaxWidthFactorMine: Float, val messageMaxWidthFactorTheirs: Float, val showMessageDeliveryStatusIndicator: Boolean, val iconFailedMessage: Drawable, val iconBannedMessage: Drawable, val systemMessageAlignment: Int, @LayoutRes val loadingMoreView: Int, @ColorInt val unreadSeparatorBackgroundColor: Int, val unreadSeparatorTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle

Style for view holders used inside MessageListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageListItemStyleTransformer to change styles programmatically.

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MessageListView renders a list of messages and extends the RecyclerView The most common customizations are

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data class MessageListViewStyle(val scrollButtonViewStyle: ScrollButtonViewStyle, val scrollButtonBehaviour: MessageListView.NewMessagesBehaviour, val itemStyle: MessageListItemStyle, val giphyViewHolderStyle: GiphyViewHolderStyle, val audioRecordPlayerViewStyle: MessageViewStyle<AudioRecordPlayerViewStyle>, val replyMessageStyle: MessageReplyStyle, val unreadLabelButtonStyle: UnreadLabelButtonStyle, val reactionsEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int, val replyIcon: Int, val replyEnabled: Boolean, val threadReplyIcon: Int, val threadsEnabled: Boolean, val retryIcon: Int, val copyIcon: Int, val markAsUnreadIcon: Int, val editMessageEnabled: Boolean, val editIcon: Int, val flagIcon: Int, val flagEnabled: Boolean, val pinIcon: Int, val unpinIcon: Int, val pinMessageEnabled: Boolean, val deleteIcon: Int, val deleteMessageEnabled: Boolean, val blockUserIcon: Int, val blockUserEnabled: Boolean, val copyTextEnabled: Boolean, val markAsUnreadEnabled: Boolean, val retryMessageEnabled: Boolean, val deleteConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, val flagMessageConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, val messageOptionsText: TextStyle, val warningMessageOptionsText: TextStyle, @ColorInt val messageOptionsBackgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val userReactionsBackgroundColor: Int, val userReactionsTitleText: TextStyle, @ColorInt val optionsOverlayDimColor: Int, val emptyViewTextStyle: TextStyle, @LayoutRes val loadingView: Int, val messagesStart: Int, val threadMessagesStart: Int, val messageOptionsUserReactionAlignment: Int, val scrollButtonBottomMargin: Int, val scrollButtonEndMargin: Int, val disableScrollWhenShowingDialog: Boolean, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginEnd: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginEnd: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginEnd: Int, val showReactionsForUnsentMessages: Boolean, val readCountEnabled: Boolean) : ViewStyle

Style for MessageListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageListStyleTransformer to change MessageListView styles programmatically.

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data class MessageReplyStyle(@ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorMine: Int, @ColorInt val messageBackgroundColorTheirs: Int, @ColorInt val linkBackgroundColorMine: Int, @ColorInt val linkBackgroundColorTheirs: Int, val textStyleMine: TextStyle, val textStyleTheirs: TextStyle, val linkStyleMine: TextStyle, val linkStyleTheirs: TextStyle, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorMine: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthMine: Float, @ColorInt val messageStrokeColorTheirs: Int, @Px val messageStrokeWidthTheirs: Float) : ViewStyle

Style for view holders used inside MessageListView allowing to customize message "reply" view. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageReplyStyleTransformer to change styles programmatically.

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data class MessageViewStyle<T : ViewStyle>(val own: T?, val theirs: T?) : ViewStyle

Styles container for a view that is used to display a message.

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data class ScrollButtonViewStyle(val scrollButtonEnabled: Boolean, val scrollButtonUnreadEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt val scrollButtonColor: Int, @ColorInt val scrollButtonRippleColor: Int, @ColorInt val scrollButtonBadgeColor: Int?, val scrollButtonElevation: Float, val scrollButtonIcon: Drawable?, val scrollButtonBadgeTextStyle: TextStyle, val scrollButtonBadgeIcon: Drawable?, val scrollButtonBadgeGravity: Int, val scrollButtonBadgeElevation: Float, val scrollButtonInternalMargin: Int) : ViewStyle

Style for ScrollButtonView.

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data class UnreadLabelButtonStyle(val unreadLabelButtonEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt val unreadLabelButtonColor: Int, @ColorInt val unreadLabelButtonRippleColor: Int, val unreadLabelButtonTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle
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data class UnsupportedAttachmentViewStyle(@ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val strokeColor: Int, @Px val strokeWidth: Int, @Px val cornerRadius: Int, val titleTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle

Style for unsupported attachments.