Package-level declarations


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An Activity showing attachments such as websites, youtube and giphy.

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data class AttachmentGalleryItem(val attachment: Attachment, val user: User, val createdAt: Date, val messageId: String, val cid: String, val isMine: Boolean)
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data class AttachmentGalleryResultItem(val messageId: String, val parentId: String?, val cid: String, val userName: String, val isMine: Boolean = false, val authorName: String? = null, val authorLink: String? = null, val imageUrl: String? = null, val assetUrl: String? = null, val mimeType: String? = null, val fileSize: Int = 0, val title: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val image: String? = null, val name: String? = null) : Parcelable

Parcelable data class that represents Attachment in AttachmentGalleryActivity as result some operation. See click listeners of AttachmentGalleryActivity.

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data class AttachmentGalleryViewMediaStyle(val viewMediaPlayVideoButtonIcon: Drawable?, @ColorInt val viewMediaPlayVideoIconTint: Int?, @ColorInt val viewMediaPlayVideoIconBackgroundColor: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconCornerRadius: Float, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconElevation: Float, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconPaddingTop: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconPaddingBottom: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconPaddingStart: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconPaddingEnd: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconWidth: Int, val viewMediaPlayVideoIconHeight: Int, val imagePlaceholder: Drawable?) : ViewStyle

Controls the appearance of the main portion of the attachment gallery used to view media.

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An Activity playing attachments such as audio and video.

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data class MediaAttachmentGridViewStyle(val showUserAvatars: Boolean, val playVideoButtonIcon: Drawable?, @ColorInt val playVideoIconTint: Int?, @ColorInt val playVideoIconBackgroundColor: Int, val playVideoIconCornerRadius: Float, val playVideoIconElevation: Float, val playVideoIconPaddingTop: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingBottom: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingStart: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingEnd: Int, val imagePlaceholder: Drawable?) : ViewStyle

Controls the appearance of MediaAttachmentGridView.


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Extension to convert instance of Attachment to AttachmentGalleryResultItem type.