Package-level declarations


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Represents a handler that can handle custom attachments of certain type and create ViewHolders for them.

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class AttachmentFactoryManager(attachmentFactories: List<AttachmentFactory> = listOf( UnsupportedAttachmentFactory(), ))

A manager for registered custom attachment factories.

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Represents a handler that can handle custom attachments of certain type and create. This class is mainly for Java compatibility.

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Factory for attachments we support by default.

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Factory for attachments that the SDK falls back when all the other QuotedAttachmentFactory don't support the attachment type. It simply shows a file icon with the attachment title.

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abstract class InnerAttachmentViewHolder(val itemView: View)

An inner ViewHolder for custom attachments within message ViewHolder. Follows the lifecycle of the outer message ViewHolder.

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Represents a handler that can handle quoted attachments of certain type and create views for them.

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class QuotedAttachmentFactoryManager(quotedAttachmentFactories: List<QuotedAttachmentFactory> = listOf())

A manager for registered quoted attachment factories.

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Fallback factory for unsupported attachment types.