Package-level declarations


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fun interface ClipboardHandler

Abstraction over the ClipboardHandlerImpl that allows users to copy messages.

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class ClipboardHandlerImpl(clipboardManager: ClipboardManager, autoTranslationEnabled: Boolean = false, getCurrentUser: () -> User? = { null }) : ClipboardHandler

A simple implementation that relies on the clipboardManager to copy messages.

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class DownloadPermissionHandler(permissionState: PermissionState, context: Context, onPermissionRequired: () -> Unit = { if (!context.wasPermissionRequested(permissionState.permission) || permissionState.status.shouldShowRationale) { permissionState.launchPermissionRequest() } else { context.openSystemSettings() } }, onPermissionGranted: (Map<String, Any>) -> Unit = { payload -> (payload[PayloadAttachment] as? Attachment)?.let { ChatClient .instance() .downloadAttachment(context, it) .enqueue() } }) : PermissionHandler

Default implementation of the download permission handler. By default will request the user to enable the permission and once it has been granted will download the attachment.

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Interface for implementing custom permission handlers.


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fun LoadMoreHandler(listState: LazyListState, loadMoreThreshold: Int = 3, loadMore: () -> Unit)

Handler to be used with LazyColumn to implement infinite scroll.