Package-level declarations


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fun ChannelListHeader(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String = "", currentUser: User? = null, connectionState: ConnectionState, color: Color = ChatTheme.colors.barsBackground, shape: Shape = ChatTheme.shapes.header, elevation: Dp = ChatTheme.dimens.headerElevation, onAvatarClick: (User?) -> Unit = {}, onHeaderActionClick: () -> Unit = {}, leadingContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { DefaultChannelHeaderLeadingContent( currentUser = currentUser, onAvatarClick = onAvatarClick, ) }, centerContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { DefaultChannelListHeaderCenterContent( connectionState = connectionState, title = title, ) }, trailingContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = { DefaultChannelListHeaderTrailingContent( onHeaderActionClick = onHeaderActionClick, ) })

A clean, decoupled UI element that doesn't rely on ViewModels or our custom architecture setup. This allows the user to fully govern how the ChannelListHeader behaves, by passing in all the data that's required to display it and drive its actions.