
data class NotificationConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(val pushNotificationsEnabled: Boolean = true, val ignorePushMessagesWhenUserOnline: Boolean = true, val pushDeviceGenerators: List<PushDeviceGenerator> = listOf(), val shouldShowNotificationOnPush: () -> Boolean = { true }, val requestPermissionOnAppLaunch: () -> Boolean = { true }, val autoTranslationEnabled: Boolean = false)

Push notifications configuration class


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constructor(pushNotificationsEnabled: Boolean = true, ignorePushMessagesWhenUserOnline: Boolean = true, pushDeviceGenerators: List<PushDeviceGenerator> = listOf(), shouldShowNotificationOnPush: () -> Boolean = { true }, requestPermissionOnAppLaunch: () -> Boolean = { true }, autoTranslationEnabled: Boolean = false)


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Whether or not the auto-translation feature is enabled.

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Push notifications are ignored and not displayed when the user is online (when there is an active WebSocket connection). Set to false if you would like to receive and handle push notifications even if user is online. Default value is true.

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val pushDeviceGenerators: List<PushDeviceGenerator>

A list of generators responsible for providing the information needed to register a device

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Enables/disables push notifications on the device. Device's token won't be registered if push notifications are disabled.

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Allows SDK to request android.Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission for a connected user.

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Allows enabling/disabling showing notification after receiving a push message.