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val cid: String


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fun acceptInvite(message: String?): Call<Channel>
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fun addMembers(memberIds: List<String>, systemMessage: Message? = null, hideHistory: Boolean? = null, skipPush: Boolean? = null): Call<Channel>

Adds members to a given channel.

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fun banUser(targetId: String, reason: String?, timeout: Int?): Call<Unit>
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fun create(memberIds: List<String>, extraData: Map<String, Any>): Call<Channel>

Creates the id-based channel.

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Deletes the file represented by url from the given channel.

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Deletes the image represented by url from the given channel.

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fun deleteMessage(messageId: String, hard: Boolean = false): Call<Message>
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fun deleteReaction(messageId: String, reactionType: String): Call<Message>

Deletes the reaction associated with the message with the given message id.

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Disables slow mode for the channel.

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fun enableSlowMode(cooldownTimeInSeconds: Int): Call<Channel>

Enables slow mode for the channel. When slow mode is enabled, users can only send a message every cooldownTimeInSeconds time interval. The cooldownTimeInSeconds is specified in seconds, and should be between 1-120.

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fun get(messageLimit: Int = 0, memberLimit: Int = 0, state: Boolean = false): Call<Channel>

Gets the channel.

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fun getFileAttachments(offset: Int, limit: Int): Call<List<Attachment>>
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fun getImageAttachments(offset: Int, limit: Int): Call<List<Attachment>>
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fun getMessage(messageId: String): Call<Message>
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fun getMessagesWithAttachments(offset: Int, limit: Int, types: List<String>): Call<List<Message>>

Returns a Call with messages that contain at least one desired type attachment but not necessarily all of them will have a specified type.

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Returns a list of messages pinned in the channel. You can sort the list by specifying sort parameter. Keep in mind that for now we only support sorting by Message.pinnedAt. The list can be paginated in a few different ways using limit and pagination.

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fun getReactions(messageId: String, offset: Int, limit: Int): Call<List<Reaction>>
fun getReactions(messageId: String, firstReactionId: String, limit: Int): Call<List<Message>>
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fun hide(clearHistory: Boolean = false): Call<Unit>

Hides the channel.

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fun inviteMembers(memberIds: List<String>, systemMessage: Message? = null, skipPush: Boolean? = null): Call<Channel>

Invites members to a given channel.

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fun keystroke(parentId: String? = null): Call<ChatEvent>

Sends a start typing event EventType.TYPING_START in this channel to the server.

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fun markMessageRead(messageId: String): Call<Unit>
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fun markUnread(messageId: String): Call<Unit>
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fun mute(expiration: Int? = null): Call<Unit>

Mutes a channel for the current user. Messages added to the channel will not trigger push notifications, and will not change the unread count for the users that muted it. By default, mutes stay in place indefinitely until the user removes it. However, you can optionally set an expiration time. Triggers notification.channel_mutes_updated event.

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fun muteUser(userId: String, timeout: Int? = null): Call<Mute>

Mutes a user. Messages from muted users will not trigger push notifications. By default, mutes stay in place indefinitely until the user removes it. However, you can optionally set a mute timeout. Triggers notification.mutes_updated event.

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fun pinMessage(message: Message, expirationDate: Date?): Call<Message>
fun pinMessage(message: Message, timeout: Int): Call<Message>
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fun queryBannedUsers(filter: FilterObject? = null, sort: QuerySorter<BannedUsersSort> = QuerySortByField.ascByName("created_at"), offset: Int? = null, limit: Int? = null, createdAtAfter: Date? = null, createdAtAfterOrEqual: Date? = null, createdAtBefore: Date? = null, createdAtBeforeOrEqual: Date? = null): Call<List<BannedUser>>
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fun queryMembers(offset: Int, limit: Int, filter: FilterObject, sort: QuerySorter<Member>, members: List<Member> = emptyList()): Call<List<Member>>

Queries members for this channel.

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fun removeMembers(memberIds: List<String>, systemMessage: Message? = null, skipPush: Boolean? = null): Call<Channel>

Removes members from a given channel.

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fun removeShadowBan(targetId: String): Call<Unit>
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fun sendEvent(eventType: String, extraData: Map<Any, Any> = emptyMap()): Call<ChatEvent>

Sends an event to all users watching the channel.

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fun sendFile(file: File, callback: ProgressCallback? = null): Call<UploadedFile>

Uploads a file for the given channel. Progress can be accessed via callback.

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Uploads an image for the given channel. Progress can be accessed via callback.

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fun sendMessage(message: Message, isRetrying: Boolean = false): Call<Message>

Sends the message to the given channel with side effects if there is any plugin added in the client.

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fun sendReaction(reaction: Reaction, enforceUnique: Boolean = false): Call<Reaction>

Sends the reaction. Use enforceUnique parameter to specify whether the reaction should replace other reactions added by the current user.

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fun shadowBanUser(targetId: String, reason: String?, timeout: Int?): Call<Unit>
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fun show(): Call<Unit>
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fun stopTyping(parentId: String? = null): Call<ChatEvent>

Sends a stop typing event EventType.TYPING_STOP in this channel to the server.

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fun subscribeFor(vararg eventTypes: Class<out ChatEvent>, listener: ChatEventListener<ChatEvent>): Disposable
fun subscribeFor(vararg eventTypes: String, listener: ChatEventListener<ChatEvent>): Disposable
fun subscribeFor(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, vararg eventTypes: Class<out ChatEvent>, listener: ChatEventListener<ChatEvent>): Disposable
fun subscribeFor(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, vararg eventTypes: String, listener: ChatEventListener<ChatEvent>): Disposable
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fun truncate(systemMessage: Message? = null): Call<Channel>

Removes all of the messages of the channel but doesn't affect the channel data or members.

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fun unbanUser(targetId: String): Call<Unit>
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fun unmute(): Call<Unit>

Unmutes a channel for the current user. Triggers notification.channel_mutes_updated event.

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fun unmuteUser(userId: String): Call<Unit>

Unmutes a previously muted user. Triggers notification.mutes_updated event.

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fun update(message: Message? = null, extraData: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()): Call<Channel>

Updates all of the channel data. Any data that is present on the channel and not included in a full update will be deleted.

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fun updatePartial(set: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(), unset: List<String> = emptyList()): Call<Channel>

Updates specific fields of channel data retaining the custom data fields which were set previously.

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Inherited functions

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Subscribes to events of type T in the channel.

inline fun <T : ChatEvent> ChannelClient.subscribeFor(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, listener: ChatEventListener<T>): Disposable

Subscribes to events of type T in the channel, in the lifecycle of lifecycleOwner.

Subscribes to the specific eventTypes of the channel.

fun ChannelClient.subscribeFor(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, vararg eventTypes: KClass<out ChatEvent>, listener: ChatEventListener<ChatEvent>): Disposable

Subscribes to the specific eventTypes of the channel, in the lifecycle of lifecycleOwner.

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Subscribes for the next channel event of type T.