Package-level declarations


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typealias AnnotatedMessageTextBuilder = AnnotatedString.Builder.(message: Message, currentUser: User?) -> Unit

A builder for the annotated message text.

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typealias AnnotatedQuotedMessageTextBuilder = AnnotatedString.Builder.(message: Message, replyMessage: Message?, currentUser: User?) -> Unit

A builder for the annotated message text.

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An interface that allows to return the desired horizontal alignment for a particular MessageItemState.

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An interface that allows to generate a preview text for the given message.

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fun interface MessageTextFormatter

An interface that allows to format the message text.

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An interface that allows to format the quoted message text.

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data class ReactionDrawable(@DrawableRes val iconResId: Int, @DrawableRes val selectedIconResId: Int)

Contains drawable resources for normal and selected reaction states.

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data class ReactionIcon(val painter: Painter, val selectedPainter: Painter)

Contains Painters for normal and selected states of the reaction icon.

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An interface that allows the creation of reaction icons for reaction types.

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An interface that allows to generate a title text for the given message.

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class StorageHelperWrapper(context: Context, storageHelper: StorageHelper, attachmentFilter: AttachmentFilter)

Wrapper around the StorageHelper class, with some extra functionality that makes it easier to decouple the business logic and make it consistent.

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A factory that creates new Coil ImageLoader instances.

A provider of CompositionLocal that returns the current ImageLoader for the composition.


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A CompositionLocal that returns the current ImageLoader for the composition. If a local ImageLoader has not been provided, it returns the singleton instance of ImageLoader in Coil.


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fun Channel.getLastMessage(currentUser: User?): Message?

Returns channel's last regular or system message if exists. Deleted and silent messages, as well as messages from shadow-banned users, are not taken into account.

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Returns a string describing the elapsed time since the user was online (was watching the channel).

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fun Channel.getMembersStatusText(context: Context, currentUser: User?): String

Returns a string describing the member status of the channel: either a member count for a group channel or the last seen text for a direct one-to-one conversation with the current user.

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fun Channel.getOtherUsers(currentUser: User?): List<User>

Returns a list of users that are members of the channel excluding the currently logged in user.

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fun Channel.getReadStatuses(userToIgnore: User?): List<Date>

Filters the read status of each person other than the target user.

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Checks if the channel is distinct.

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fun Channel.isOneToOne(currentUser: User?): Boolean

Checks if the channel is a direct conversation between the current user and some other user.

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Applies the given mirroring scaleX based on the layoutDirection that's currently configured in the UI.

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fun rememberMessageListState(initialFirstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0, initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0, parentMessageId: String? = null, messageOffsetHandler: MessagesLazyListState.MessageOffsetHandler = MessagesLazyListState.defaultOffsetHandler): MessagesLazyListState

Provides a MessagesLazyListState that's tied to a given message list. This is the default behavior, where we keep the base scroll position of the list persisted at all times, while the thread scroll state is always new, whenever we enter a thread.

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fun rememberMessagesLazyListState(initialFirstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0, initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0, messageOffsetHandler: MessagesLazyListState.MessageOffsetHandler = MessagesLazyListState.defaultOffsetHandler): MessagesLazyListState

Creates a MessagesLazyListState that is remembered across compositions. Changes to the provided initial values will not result in the state being recreated or changed in any way if it has already been created.

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fun rememberStreamImagePainter(model: ImageRequest, placeholderPainter: Painter? = null, errorPainter: Painter? = null, fallbackPainter: Painter? = errorPainter, onLoading: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Loading) -> Unit? = null, onSuccess: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Success) -> Unit? = null, onError: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Error) -> Unit? = null, contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.Fit, filterQuality: FilterQuality = DrawScope.DefaultFilterQuality): AsyncImagePainter
fun rememberStreamImagePainter(data: Any?, placeholderPainter: Painter? = null, errorPainter: Painter? = null, fallbackPainter: Painter? = errorPainter, onLoading: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Loading) -> Unit? = null, onSuccess: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Success) -> Unit? = null, onError: (AsyncImagePainter.State.Error) -> Unit? = null, contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.Fit, filterQuality: FilterQuality = DrawScope.DefaultFilterQuality): AsyncImagePainter

Wrapper around the coil.compose.rememberAsyncImagePainter that plugs in our LocalStreamImageLoader singleton that can be used to customize all image loading requests, like adding headers, interceptors and similar.