Package-level declarations


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fun interface DateSeparatorHandler

A SAM designed to evaluate if a date separator should be added between messages.

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class MessageListController(cid: String, clipboardHandler: ClipboardHandler, messageId: String? = null, parentMessageId: String? = null, val messageLimit: Int = DEFAULT_MESSAGES_LIMIT, chatClient: ChatClient = ChatClient.instance(), clientState: ClientState = chatClient.clientState, deletedMessageVisibility: DeletedMessageVisibility = DeletedMessageVisibility.ALWAYS_VISIBLE, showSystemMessages: Boolean = true, messageFooterVisibility: MessageFooterVisibility = MessageFooterVisibility.WithTimeDifference(), enforceUniqueReactions: Boolean = true, dateSeparatorHandler: DateSeparatorHandler = DateSeparatorHandler.getDefaultDateSeparatorHandler(), threadDateSeparatorHandler: DateSeparatorHandler = DateSeparatorHandler.getDefaultThreadDateSeparatorHandler(), messagePositionHandler: MessagePositionHandler = MessagePositionHandler.defaultHandler(), showDateSeparatorInEmptyThread: Boolean = false, showThreadSeparatorInEmptyThread: Boolean = false)

Controller responsible for handling message list state. It acts as a central place for core business logic and state required to show the message list, message thread and handling message actions.

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A handler to determine the position of a message inside a group.