Package-level declarations


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class ChannelListHeaderViewModel @JvmOverloads constructor(clientState: ClientState = ChatClient.instance().clientState) : ViewModel

ViewModel class for ChannelListHeaderView. Responsible for updating current user information. Can be bound to the view using ChannelListHeaderViewModel.bindView function.

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class ChannelListViewModel(filter: FilterObject? = null, sort: QuerySorter<Channel> = DEFAULT_SORT, limit: Int = 30, messageLimit: Int = 1, memberLimit: Int = 30, chatEventHandlerFactory: ChatEventHandlerFactory = ChatEventHandlerFactory(), chatClient: ChatClient = ChatClient.instance(), globalState: GlobalState = chatClient.globalState) : ViewModel

ViewModel class for ChannelListView. Responsible for keeping the channels list up to date. Can be bound to the view using ChannelListViewModel.bindView function.

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class ChannelListViewModelFactory @JvmOverloads constructor(filter: FilterObject? = null, sort: QuerySorter<Channel> = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_SORT, limit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_LIMIT, messageLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LIMIT, memberLimit: Int = ChannelListViewModel.DEFAULT_MEMBER_LIMIT, chatEventHandlerFactory: ChatEventHandlerFactory = ChatEventHandlerFactory()) : ViewModelProvider.Factory

Creates a channels view model factory.


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Binds ChannelListHeaderView with ChannelListHeaderViewModel, updating the view's state based on data provided by the ViewModel, and propagating view events to the ViewModel as needed.

@JvmName(name = "bind")
fun ChannelListViewModel.bindView(view: ChannelListView, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner)

Binds ChannelListView with ChannelListViewModel, updating the view's state based on data provided by the ViewModel, and propagating view events to the ViewModel as needed.