
fun ChannelList(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(), viewModel: ChannelListViewModel = viewModel( factory = ChannelViewModelFactory( ChatClient.instance(), QuerySortByField.descByName("last_updated"), filters = null, ), ), lazyListState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState(), onLastItemReached: () -> Unit = remember(viewModel) { { viewModel.loadMore() } }, onChannelClick: (Channel) -> Unit = {}, onChannelLongClick: (Channel) -> Unit = remember(viewModel) { { viewModel.selectChannel(it) } }, onSearchResultClick: (Message) -> Unit = {}, loadingContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { LoadingIndicator(modifier) }, emptyContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelListEmptyContent(modifier) }, emptySearchContent: @Composable (String) -> Unit = { searchQuery -> DefaultChannelSearchEmptyContent( searchQuery = searchQuery, modifier = modifier, ) }, helperContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit = {}, loadingMoreContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelsLoadingMoreIndicator() }, channelContent: @Composable (ItemState.ChannelItemState) -> Unit = { itemState -> val user by viewModel.user.collectAsState() DefaultChannelItem( channelItem = itemState, currentUser = user, onChannelClick = onChannelClick, onChannelLongClick = onChannelLongClick, ) }, searchResultContent: @Composable (ItemState.SearchResultItemState) -> Unit = { itemState -> val user by viewModel.user.collectAsState() DefaultSearchResultItem( searchResultItemState = itemState, currentUser = user, onSearchResultClick = onSearchResultClick, ) }, divider: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelItemDivider() })

Default ChannelList component, that relies on the ChannelListViewModel to load the data and show it on the UI.



Modifier for styling.


Padding values to be applied to the channel list surrounding the content inside.


The ViewModel that loads all the data and connects it to the UI. We provide a factory that builds the default ViewModel in case the user doesn't want to provide their own.


State of the lazy list that represents the list of channels. Useful for controlling the scroll state.


Handler for pagination, when the user reaches the last item in the list.


Handler for a single item tap.


Handler for a long item tap.


Handler for a single search result tap.


Composable that represents the loading content, when we're loading the initial data.


Composable that represents the empty content if there are no channels.


Composable that represents the empty content if there are no channels matching the search query.


Composable that represents the helper content. Empty by default, but can be used to implement scroll to top button.


: Composable that represents the loading more content, when we're loading the next page.


Composable that allows the user to completely customize the item UI. It shows ChannelItem if left unchanged, with the actions provided by onChannelClick and onChannelLongClick.


Composable that allows the user to define an item divider.

fun ChannelList(channelsState: ChannelsState, currentUser: User?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp), lazyListState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState(), onLastItemReached: () -> Unit = {}, onChannelClick: (Channel) -> Unit = {}, onChannelLongClick: (Channel) -> Unit = {}, onSearchResultClick: (Message) -> Unit = {}, loadingContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelListLoadingIndicator(modifier) }, emptyContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelListEmptyContent(modifier) }, emptySearchContent: @Composable (String) -> Unit = { searchQuery -> DefaultChannelSearchEmptyContent( searchQuery = searchQuery, modifier = modifier, ) }, helperContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit = {}, loadingMoreContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelsLoadingMoreIndicator() }, channelContent: @Composable (ItemState.ChannelItemState) -> Unit = { itemState -> DefaultChannelItem( channelItem = itemState, currentUser = currentUser, onChannelClick = onChannelClick, onChannelLongClick = onChannelLongClick, ) }, searchResultContent: @Composable (ItemState.SearchResultItemState) -> Unit = { itemState -> DefaultSearchResultItem( searchResultItemState = itemState, currentUser = currentUser, onSearchResultClick = onSearchResultClick, ) }, divider: @Composable () -> Unit = { DefaultChannelItemDivider() })

Root Channel list component, that represents different UI, based on the current channel state.

This is decoupled from ViewModels, so the user can provide manual and custom data handling, as well as define a completely custom UI component for the channel item.

If there is no state, no query active or the data is being loaded, we show the LoadingIndicator.

If there are no results or we're offline, usually due to an error in the API or network, we show an EmptyContent.

If there is data available and it is not empty, we show Channels.



Current state of the Channel list, represented by ChannelsState.


The data of the current user, used various states.


Modifier for styling.


Padding values to be applied to the list surrounding the content inside.


State of the lazy list that represents the list of channels. Useful for controlling the scroll state.


Handler for pagination, when the user reaches the end of the list.


Handler for a single item tap.


Handler for a long item tap.


Handler for a single search result tap.


Composable that represents the loading content, when we're loading the initial data.


Composable that represents the empty content if there are no channels.


Composable that represents the empty content if there are no channels matching the search query.


Composable that represents the helper content. Empty by default, but can be used to implement scroll to top button.


: Composable that represents the loading more content, when we're loading the next page.


Composable that allows the user to completely customize the item UI. It shows ChannelItem if left unchanged, with the actions provided by onChannelClick and onChannelLongClick.


Composable that allows the user to completely customize the search result item UI. It shows SearchResultItem if left unchanged, with the actions provided by onSearchResultClick.


Composable that allows the user to define an item divider.