
data class Channel(val id: String = "", val type: String = "", val name: String = "", val image: String = "", val watcherCount: Int = 0, val frozen: Boolean = false, val lastMessageAt: Date? = null, val createdAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, val memberCount: Int = 0, val messages: List<Message> = listOf(), val members: List<Member> = listOf(), val watchers: List<User> = listOf(), val read: List<ChannelUserRead> = listOf(), val config: Config = Config(), val createdBy: User = User(), val unreadCount: Int = 0, val team: String = "", val hidden: Boolean? = null, val hiddenMessagesBefore: Date? = null, val cooldown: Int = 0, val pinnedMessages: List<Message> = listOf(), val ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), val membership: Member? = null, val cachedLatestMessages: List<Message> = emptyList(), val isInsideSearch: Boolean = false, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf()) : CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider

Channel is where conversations take place between two or more chat users. It contains a list of messages and have a list of the member users that are participating in the conversation.



Channel's unique ID.


Type of the channel.


Channel's name.


Channel's image.


Number of channel watchers.


Whether channel is frozen or not.


Date of the last message sent.


Date/time of creation.


Date/time of deletion.


Date/time of the last update.


Local field used to store channel's sync status and retry requests if needed.


Number of members in the channel.


The list of channel's messages.


The list of channel's members.


The list of channel's watchers.


The list of read states.


Channel's configuration.


Creator of the channel.


The number of unread messages for the current user.


Team the channel belongs to (multi-tenant only).


Whether this channel is hidden by current user or not.


Messages before this date are hidden from the user.


Cooldown period after sending each message in seconds.


The list of pinned messages in the channel.


Channel's capabilities available for the current user. Note that the field is not provided in the events.


Represents relationship of the current user to this channel.


A map of custom fields for the channel.


The list of cached messages if the regular list does not contain the newest messages.


When the channel is inside search, eg. searching from the channel list for a message or when hopping to a quoted message a number pages away without retaining the newest messages in the list.


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constructor(id: String = "", type: String = "", name: String = "", image: String = "", watcherCount: Int = 0, frozen: Boolean = false, lastMessageAt: Date? = null, createdAt: Date? = null, deletedAt: Date? = null, updatedAt: Date? = null, syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, memberCount: Int = 0, messages: List<Message> = listOf(), members: List<Member> = listOf(), watchers: List<User> = listOf(), read: List<ChannelUserRead> = listOf(), config: Config = Config(), createdBy: User = User(), unreadCount: Int = 0, team: String = "", hidden: Boolean? = null, hiddenMessagesBefore: Date? = null, cooldown: Int = 0, pinnedMessages: List<Message> = listOf(), ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), membership: Member? = null, cachedLatestMessages: List<Message> = emptyList(), isInsideSearch: Boolean = false, extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf())


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class Builder


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val cid: String

The channel id in the format messaging:123.

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val cooldown: Int = 0
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val createdAt: Date? = null
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val deletedAt: Date? = null
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open override val extraData: Map<String, Any>
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val frozen: Boolean = false
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Whether a channel contains unread messages or not.

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val hidden: Boolean? = null
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val id: String
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val isInsideSearch: Boolean = false
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val lastMessageAt: Date? = null
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Determines the last updated date/time. Returns either lastMessageAt or createdAt.

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val memberCount: Int = 0
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val membership: Member? = null
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val unreadCount: Int = 0
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val updatedAt: Date? = null
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val watcherCount: Int = 0
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open override fun getComparableField(fieldName: String): Comparable<*>?

Gets a comparable fields from a name.

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Inherited functions

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open fun <T> getExtraValue(key: String, default: T): T
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Converts the channel to the channel data.