Package-level declarations


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data class AgoraChannel(val channel: String)

Represents Agora channel information that contains available channel in a chat channel.

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data class App(val name: String, val fileUploadConfig: FileUploadConfig, val imageUploadConfig: FileUploadConfig)

The representation of the app, with its configurations.

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data class AppSettings(val app: App)

App settings, as they are configured in the dashboard.

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data class Attachment(val authorName: String? = null, val authorLink: String? = null, val titleLink: String? = null, val thumbUrl: String? = null, val imageUrl: String? = null, val assetUrl: String? = null, val ogUrl: String? = null, val mimeType: String? = null, val fileSize: Int = 0, val title: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val image: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val fallback: String? = null, val originalHeight: Int? = null, val originalWidth: Int? = null, val upload: File? = null, val uploadState: Attachment.UploadState? = null, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf()) : CustomObject

Represents an attachment. Most commonly these are files, images, videos and audio recordings, but the class is flexible enough that it can represent other things as well such as a date, a given location or other things.

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Represents types of attachments.

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data class BannedUser(val user: User, val bannedBy: User?, val channel: Channel?, val createdAt: Date?, val expires: Date?, val shadow: Boolean, val reason: String?)
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data class BannedUsersSort(val createdAt: Date) : ComparableFieldProvider
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data class Channel(val id: String = "", val type: String = "", val name: String = "", val image: String = "", val watcherCount: Int = 0, val frozen: Boolean = false, val lastMessageAt: Date? = null, val createdAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, val memberCount: Int = 0, val messages: List<Message> = listOf(), val members: List<Member> = listOf(), val watchers: List<User> = listOf(), val read: List<ChannelUserRead> = listOf(), val config: Config = Config(), val createdBy: User = User(), val unreadCount: Int = 0, val team: String = "", val hidden: Boolean? = null, val hiddenMessagesBefore: Date? = null, val cooldown: Int = 0, val pinnedMessages: List<Message> = listOf(), val ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), val membership: Member? = null, val cachedLatestMessages: List<Message> = emptyList(), val isInsideSearch: Boolean = false, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf()) : CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider

Channel is where conversations take place between two or more chat users. It contains a list of messages and have a list of the member users that are participating in the conversation.

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Predefined list of channel capabilities constants. Channel capabilities provide you information on which features are available for the current user. Channel capabilities are affected by a number of factors including:

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data class ChannelConfig(val type: String, val config: Config)

Configuration of a channel.

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data class ChannelData(val id: String, val type: String, val name: String = "", val image: String = "", val createdBy: User = User(), val cooldown: Int = 0, val frozen: Boolean = false, val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val memberCount: Int = 0, val team: String = "", val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), val membership: Member? = null)

A class that only stores the channel data and not the channel state that changes a lot (for example messages, watchers, etc.).

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data class ChannelInfo(val cid: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val memberCount: Int = 0, val name: String? = null, val image: String? = null)

A Channel object that contains less information. Used only internally.

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data class ChannelMute(val user: User?, val channel: Channel?, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val expires: Date?)

Represents a channel mute.

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data class ChannelUserRead(val user: User, val lastReceivedEventDate: Date, val unreadMessages: Int, val lastRead: Date, val lastReadMessageId: String?) : UserEntity

Information about how many messages are unread in the channel by a given user.

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data class Command(val name: String, val description: String, val args: String, val set: String)
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data class Config(val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val name: String = "", val typingEventsEnabled: Boolean = true, val readEventsEnabled: Boolean = true, val connectEventsEnabled: Boolean = true, val searchEnabled: Boolean = true, val isReactionsEnabled: Boolean = true, val isThreadEnabled: Boolean = true, val muteEnabled: Boolean = true, val uploadsEnabled: Boolean = true, val urlEnrichmentEnabled: Boolean = true, val customEventsEnabled: Boolean = false, val pushNotificationsEnabled: Boolean = true, val pollsEnabled: Boolean = false, val messageRetention: String = "infinite", val maxMessageLength: Int = 5000, val automod: String = "disabled", val automodBehavior: String = "", val blocklistBehavior: String = "", val commands: List<Command> = mutableListOf())
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data class ConnectionData(val user: User, val connectionId: String)
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sealed class ConnectionState

Represents possible states of the WebSocket connection.

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object Constants

Represents constants used across all SDKs.

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interface CustomObject
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data class Device(val token: String, val pushProvider: PushProvider, val providerName: String?)

Device's information needed to register push notifications.

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object EventType

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data class FileUploadConfig(val allowedFileExtensions: List<String>, val allowedMimeTypes: List<String>, val blockedFileExtensions: List<String>, val blockedMimeTypes: List<String>, val sizeLimitInBytes: Long)

The configuration of file upload.

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sealed class FilterObject

Filter object that specifies requests for backend queries.

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object Filters

Stream supports a limited set of filters for querying channels, users and members. The example below shows how to filter for channels of type messaging where the current user is a member

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data class Flag(val user: User, val targetUser: User?, val targetMessageId: String, val reviewedBy: String, val createdByAutomod: Boolean, val createdAt: Date?, val updatedAt: Date, val reviewedAt: Date?, val approvedAt: Date?, val rejectedAt: Date?)
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data class GuestUser(val user: User, val token: String)
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data class HMSRoom(val roomId: String, val roomName: String)

Represents HMS room information that contains available room in a chat channel.

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The state of initialization process.

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data class LinkPreview(val originUrl: String, val attachment: Attachment)

A data class that represents a link preview.

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data class Member(val user: User, val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val isInvited: Boolean? = null, val inviteAcceptedAt: Date? = null, val inviteRejectedAt: Date? = null, val shadowBanned: Boolean = false, val banned: Boolean = false, val channelRole: String? = null, val notificationsMuted: Boolean? = null, val status: String? = null, val banExpires: Date? = null) : UserEntity, ComparableFieldProvider

Represents a channel member.

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data class Message(val id: String = "", val cid: String = "", val text: String = "", val html: String = "", val parentId: String? = null, val command: String? = null, val attachments: List<Attachment> = listOf(), val mentionedUsersIds: List<String> = listOf(), val mentionedUsers: List<User> = listOf(), val replyCount: Int = 0, val deletedReplyCount: Int = 0, val reactionCounts: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), val reactionScores: Map<String, Int> = mapOf(), val reactionGroups: Map<String, ReactionGroup> = mapOf(), val syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, val type: String = "", val latestReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), val ownReactions: List<Reaction> = listOf(), val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val updatedLocallyAt: Date? = null, var createdLocallyAt: Date? = null, val user: User = User(), val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val silent: Boolean = false, val shadowed: Boolean = false, val i18n: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), val showInChannel: Boolean = false, val channelInfo: ChannelInfo? = null, val replyTo: Message? = null, val replyMessageId: String? = null, val pinned: Boolean = false, val pinnedAt: Date? = null, val pinExpires: Date? = null, val pinnedBy: User? = null, val threadParticipants: List<User> = emptyList(), val skipPushNotification: Boolean = false, val skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, val moderationDetails: MessageModerationDetails? = null, val messageTextUpdatedAt: Date? = null, val poll: Poll? = null) : CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider
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data class MessageModerationAction(val rawValue: String)

The type of moderation performed to a message.

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data class MessageModerationDetails(val originalText: String, val action: MessageModerationAction, val errorMsg: String)

Describes the details of a message which was moderated.

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sealed class MessagesState

Represents of possible state of messages for ChannelState.

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Represents types of messages.

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data class Mute(val user: User?, val target: User?, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val expires: Date?)
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data class Option(val id: String, val text: String)

The Option object represents an answer option in a poll.

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data class Poll(val id: String, val name: String, val description: String, val options: List<Option>, val votingVisibility: VotingVisibility, val enforceUniqueVote: Boolean, val maxVotesAllowed: Int, val allowUserSuggestedOptions: Boolean, val allowAnswers: Boolean, val voteCountsByOption: Map<String, Int>, val votes: List<Vote>, val ownVotes: List<Vote>, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val closed: Boolean)

The Poll object represents a poll in a channel.

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data class PollConfig(val name: String, val options: List<String>, val description: String = "", val votingVisibility: VotingVisibility = VotingVisibility.PUBLIC, val enforceUniqueVote: Boolean = true, val maxVotesAllowed: Int = 1, val allowUserSuggestedOptions: Boolean = false)

The PollConfig object is used to configure a poll.

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data class PushMessage(val messageId: String, val channelId: String, val channelType: String, val getstream: Map<String, Any?>, val extraData: Map<String, Any?>, val metadata: Map<String, Any?>)
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Push notifications provider type.

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data class Reaction(val messageId: String = "", val type: String = "", val score: Int = 0, val user: User? = null, val userId: String = "", val createdAt: Date? = null, val createdLocallyAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val syncStatus: SyncStatus = SyncStatus.COMPLETED, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val enforceUnique: Boolean = false) : CustomObject
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data class ReactionGroup(val type: String, val count: Int, val sumScore: Int, val firstReactionAt: Date, val lastReactionAt: Date)

A group of reactions of the same type.

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A comparator used to sort ReactionGroups.

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Sorts ReactionGroups by their count.

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Sorts ReactionGroups by the date of their first reaction.

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Sorts ReactionGroups by the date of their last reaction.

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Sorts ReactionGroups by the sum of their scores.

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data class SearchMessagesResult(val messages: List<Message> = emptyList(), val next: String? = null, val previous: String? = null, val resultsWarning: SearchWarning? = null)
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data class SearchWarning(val channelSearchCids: List<String>, val channelSearchCount: Int, val warningCode: Int, val warningDescription: String)

Represents a warning related to message search results. For example, if there are more than 500 channels that match the channel filter.

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If the message has been sent to the servers.

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data class Thread(val cid: String, val channelInfo: ChannelInfo, val parentMessageId: String, val parentMessage: Message, val createdByUserId: String, val createdBy: User, val replyCount: Int, val participantCount: Int, val threadParticipants: List<User>, val lastMessageAt: Date, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date?, val title: String, val latestReplies: List<Message>, val read: List<ChannelUserRead>)
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Represents the amount of time one instant of time is away from another instant.

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data class TypingEvent(val channelId: String, val users: List<User>)
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An enumeration of various network types used as a constraint in upload attachments worker.

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data class UploadedFile @JvmOverloads constructor(val file: String, val thumbUrl: String? = null, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())

Represents a successfully uploaded file.

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data class User(val id: String = "", val role: String = "", val name: String = "", val image: String = "", val invisible: Boolean? = null, val privacySettings: PrivacySettings? = null, val language: String = "", val banned: Boolean? = null, val devices: List<Device> = listOf(), val online: Boolean = false, val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val lastActive: Date? = null, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0, val mutes: List<Mute> = listOf(), val teams: List<String> = listOf(), val channelMutes: List<ChannelMute> = emptyList(), val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val deactivatedAt: Date? = null) : CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider

Represents a person who uses a chat and can perform chat operations like viewing channels or sending messages.

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data class UserBlock(val blockedBy: String, val userId: String, val blockedAt: Date)

Represents a user block.

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interface UserEntity
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typealias UserId = String

Represents String.

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data class VideoCallInfo(val callId: String, val provider: String, val type: String, val agoraChannel: AgoraChannel, val hmsRoom: HMSRoom, val videoCallToken: VideoCallToken)

Represents currently available call information for Agora and HMS video calls.

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data class VideoCallToken(val token: String, val agoraUid: Int?, val agoraAppId: String?)

A call token that is used in currently available video call integrations.

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data class Vote(val id: String, val pollId: String, val optionId: String, val createdAt: Date, val updatedAt: Date, val user: User?)

The Vote object represents a vote in a poll.

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The VotingVisibility enum represents the visibility of the votes.


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Converts the channel to the channel data.