Package-level declarations
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data class MessageComposerState @JvmOverloads constructor(val inputValue: String = "", val attachments: List<Attachment> = emptyList(), val action: MessageAction? = null, val validationErrors: List<ValidationError> = emptyList(), val mentionSuggestions: List<User> = emptyList(), val commandSuggestions: List<Command> = emptyList(), val linkPreviews: List<LinkPreview> = emptyList(), val coolDownTime: Int = 0, val messageMode: MessageMode = MessageMode.Normal, val alsoSendToChannel: Boolean = false, val ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), val hasCommands: Boolean = false, val currentUser: User? = null, val recording: RecordingState = RecordingState.Idle, val pollsEnabled: Boolean = false)
Represents the state within the message input.
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Represents a validation error for the user input.
Inherited functions
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fun RecordingState.Recording.copy(duration: Int = this.durationInMs, waveform: List<Float> = this.waveform): RecordingState.Recording