Package-level declarations


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class GiphyMediaAttachmentViewStyle(val progressIcon: Drawable, val giphyIcon: Drawable, val placeholderIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val imageBackgroundColor: Int, val giphyType: GiphyInfoType, val scaleType: ImageView.ScaleType, val sizingMode: GiphySizingMode, val width: Int, val height: Int, val dimensionRatio: Float)
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data class MediaAttachmentViewStyle(val progressIcon: Drawable, val placeholderIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val placeholderIconTint: Int?, @ColorInt val mediaPreviewBackgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val moreCountOverlayColor: Int, val moreCountTextStyle: TextStyle, val playVideoIcon: Drawable?, @ColorInt val playVideoIconTint: Int?, @ColorInt val playVideoIconBackgroundColor: Int, val playVideoIconElevation: Float, val playVideoIconPaddingTop: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingBottom: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingStart: Int, val playVideoIconPaddingEnd: Int, val playVideoIconCornerRadius: Float) : ViewStyle

Style for MediaAttachmentView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.mediaAttachmentStyleTransformer to change styles programmatically.

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data class PollViewStyle(val pollTitleTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollSubtitleTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollOptionCheckDrawable: Drawable, val pollOptionTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollOptionVotesTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollCloseTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollResultsTextStyle: TextStyle, val pollShowAllOptionsTextStyle: TextStyle) : ViewStyle