Package-level declarations


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data class ChannelOptionItemVisibility(val isViewInfoVisible: Boolean = true, val isLeaveChannelVisible: Boolean = true, val isMuteChannelVisible: Boolean = true, val isArchiveChannelVisible: Boolean = false, val isPinChannelVisible: Boolean = false, val isDeleteChannelVisible: Boolean = true)

Controls option visibility in the channel options menu.


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fun buildDefaultChannelOptionsState(selectedChannel: Channel, isMuted: Boolean, ownCapabilities: Set<String>): List<ChannelOptionState>

Builds the default list of channel options, based on the current user and the state of the channel.

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fun ChannelMembers(members: List<Member>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Represents a list of members in the channel.

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fun ChannelOptions(options: List<ChannelOptionState>, onChannelOptionClick: (ChannelAction) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

This is the default bottom drawer UI that shows up when the user long taps on a channel item.

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fun MessageReadStatusIcon(channel: Channel, message: Message, currentUser: User?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
fun MessageReadStatusIcon(message: Message, isMessageRead: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, readCount: Int = 0)

Shows a delivery status indicator for a particular message.

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fun UnreadCountIndicator(unreadCount: Int, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, color: Color = ChatTheme.colors.errorAccent)

Shows the unread count badge for each channel item, to showcase how many messages the user didn't read.