Class holding the customizable styling parameters for ThreadListView.
The background color of the thread list.
Drawable shown when there are no threads.
Text shown when there are no threads.
Style for the empty state text.
Drawable for the thread icon.
Style for the thread title.
Style for the thread reply to text.
Style for the latest reply message preview.
Style for the unread count badge.
Background for the unread count badge.
Style for the unread threads banner text.
Icon for the unread threads banner.
Background for the unread threads banner.
Left padding for the unread threads banner.
Top padding for the unread threads banner.
Right padding for the unread threads banner.
Bottom padding for the unread threads banner.
Left margin for the unread threads banner.
Top margin for the unread threads banner.
Right margin for the unread threads banner.
Bottom margin for the unread threads banner.