Package-level declarations


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fun interface CurrentUserProvider

Provides the currently logged in user.

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An interface that allows to generate a preview text for the given message.

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fun interface MimeTypeIconProvider

Provides icons for file attachments.

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Provides icons for file attachments.

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fun interface StyleTransformer<T>
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class SupportedReactions(context: Context, val reactions: Map<String, SupportedReactions.ReactionDrawable> = mapOf( LOVE to loveDrawable(context), THUMBS_UP to thumbsUpDrawable(context), THUMBS_DOWN to thumbsDownDrawable(context), LOL to lolDrawable(context), WUT to wutDrawable(context), ))

Class allowing to define set of supported reactions. You can customize reactions by providing your own implementation of this class to ChatUI.supportedReactions.

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data class ViewPadding(@Px val start: Int, @Px val top: Int, @Px val end: Int, @Px val bottom: Int)

Represents the view's padding

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data class ViewSize(@Px val width: Int, @Px val height: Int)

Represents the view's size.

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interface ViewStyle