The basic Thread item, showing information about the Thread title, parent message, last reply and number of unread replies.
The Thread object holding the data to be rendered.
The currently logged User, used for formatting the message in the thread preview.
Action invoked when the user clicks on the item.
Modifier instance for general styling.
Composable rendering the title of the thread item. Defaults to a 'thread' icon and the name of the channel in which the thread resides.
Composable rendering the preview of the thread parent message. Defaults to a preview of the parent message with a 'replied to:' prefix.
Composable rendering the badge indicator of unread replies in a thread. Defaults to a red circular badge with the unread count inside.
Composable rendering the preview of the latest reply in the thread. Defaults to a content composed of the reply author image, reply author name, preview of the reply text and a timestamp.