Package-level declarations
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data class NotificationConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(val pushNotificationsEnabled: Boolean = true, val ignorePushMessagesWhenUserOnline: Boolean = true, val pushDeviceGenerators: List<PushDeviceGenerator> = listOf(), val shouldShowNotificationOnPush: () -> Boolean = { true }, val requestPermissionOnAppLaunch: () -> Boolean = { true }, val autoTranslationEnabled: Boolean = false)
Push notifications configuration class
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interface NotificationHandler
Handler responsible for showing and dismissing notification. Implement this interface and use ChatClient.Builder.notifications if you want to customize default behavior
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object NotificationHandlerFactory
Factory for default NotificationHandler. Use it to customize an intent the user triggers when clicking on a notification.
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interface PushDeviceGenerator
Generator responsible for providing information needed to register the push notifications provider
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interface UserIconBuilder
Creates an IconCompat for a given user to be shown on notifications.