Package-level declarations


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data class ChannelDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val user: User?) : CidEvent, HasChannel

Triggered when a channel is deleted

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data class ChannelHiddenEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val clearHistory: Boolean) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a channel is mark as hidden

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data class ChannelTruncatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User?, val message: Message?, val channel: Channel) : CidEvent, HasChannel

Triggered when a channels' history is truncated. Could contain system message.

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data class ChannelUpdatedByUserEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val message: Message?, val channel: Channel) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasChannel

Triggered when a channel is updated by user. Could contain system message.

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data class ChannelUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message?, val channel: Channel) : CidEvent, HasChannel

Triggered when a channel is updated. Could contain system message.

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data class ChannelUserBannedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val expiration: Date?, val shadow: Boolean) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when the user is banned from a channel

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data class ChannelUserUnbannedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when the channel user ban is lifted

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data class ChannelVisibleEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a channel is made visible

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sealed class ChatEvent
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sealed class CidEvent : ChatEvent
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data class ConnectedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val me: User, val connectionId: String) : ChatEvent, HasOwnUser

Triggered when a user gets connected to the WS

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data class ConnectingEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?) : ChatEvent

Triggered when a user is connecting to the WS

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data class ConnectionErrorEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val connectionId: String, val error: ChatError) : ChatEvent

Triggered when a WS connection fails.

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data class DisconnectedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val disconnectCause: DisconnectCause = DisconnectCause.NetworkNotAvailable) : ChatEvent

Triggered when a user gets disconnected to the WS

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data class ErrorEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val error: Error) : ChatEvent

Triggered when WS connection emits error

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data class GlobalUserBannedEvent(val type: String, val user: User, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String) : ChatEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when the user is banned globally

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data class GlobalUserUnbannedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User) : ChatEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when the global user ban is lifted

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interface HasChannel
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interface HasMember
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interface HasMessage
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interface HasOwnUser
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interface HasReaction
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interface HasUnreadCounts

Interface that marks a ChatEvent as having the information about unread counts. There are certain cases when the server omits these fields (e.g. when ReadEvents option is disabled, when the number of watchers is over 100, etc). In that case totalUnreadCount and unreadChannels fields have 0 values.

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interface HasWatcherCount

Interface that marks a ChatEvent as having the information about watcher count.

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data class HealthEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val connectionId: String) : ChatEvent

Triggered every 30 second to confirm that the client connection is still alive

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data class MarkAllReadEvent(val type: String = "", val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : ChatEvent, UserEvent, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when the total count of unread messages (across all channels the user is a member) changes

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data class MemberAddedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val member: Member) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember

Triggered when a member is added to a channel

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data class MemberRemovedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val member: Member) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember

Triggered when a member is removed from a channel

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data class MemberUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val member: Member) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember

Triggered when a channel member is updated (promoted to moderator/accepted/.rejected the invite)

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data class MessageDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val hardDelete: Boolean) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a message is deleted

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data class MessageReadEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a channel is marked as read

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data class MessageUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a message is updated

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data class NewMessageEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val watcherCount: Int = 0, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMessage, HasWatcherCount, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when a new message is added on a channel.

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data class NotificationAddedToChannelEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val member: Member, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, HasChannel, HasMember, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when the user is added to the list of channel members

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data class NotificationChannelDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, HasChannel, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when a channel is deleted

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data class NotificationChannelMutesUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val me: User) : ChatEvent, HasOwnUser

Triggered when a channel is muted

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data class NotificationChannelTruncatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, HasChannel, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when a channels' history is truncated

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data class NotificationInviteAcceptedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val member: Member, val channel: Channel) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember, HasChannel

Triggered when the user accepts an invite

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data class NotificationInvitedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val member: Member) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember

Triggered when the user is invited to join a channel

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data class NotificationInviteRejectedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User, val member: Member, val channel: Channel) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMember, HasChannel

Triggered when the user rejects an invite

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data class NotificationMarkReadEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when the count of unread messages for a particular channel changes

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data class NotificationMarkUnreadEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0, val unreadMessages: Int, val firstUnreadMessageId: String, val lastReadMessageAt: Date, val lastReadMessageId: String) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when the the user mark as unread a conversation from a particular message

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data class NotificationMessageNewEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val message: Message, val totalUnreadCount: Int = 0, val unreadChannels: Int = 0) : CidEvent, HasChannel, HasMessage, HasUnreadCounts

Triggered when a message is added to a channel

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data class NotificationMutesUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val me: User) : ChatEvent, HasOwnUser

Triggered when the user mutes are updated

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data class NotificationRemovedFromChannelEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val channel: Channel, val member: Member) : CidEvent, HasMember, HasChannel

Triggered when a user is removed from the list of channel members

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data class PollClosedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a poll is closed.

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data class PollDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a poll is deleted.

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data class PollUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a poll is updated.

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data class ReactionDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val reaction: Reaction) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMessage, HasReaction

Triggered when a message reaction is deleted

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data class ReactionNewEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val reaction: Reaction) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMessage, HasReaction

Triggered when a message reaction is added

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data class ReactionUpdateEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val reaction: Reaction) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasMessage, HasReaction

Triggered when a message reaction is updated

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data class TypingStartEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val parentId: String?) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a user starts typing

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data class TypingStopEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val parentId: String?) : CidEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a user stops typing

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data class UnknownEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User?, val rawData: Map<*, *>) : ChatEvent

Triggered when event type is not supported

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data class UserDeletedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User) : ChatEvent, UserEvent
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interface UserEvent
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data class UserPresenceChangedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User) : ChatEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a user status changes (eg. online, offline, away, etc.)

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data class UserStartWatchingEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val watcherCount: Int = 0, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasWatcherCount

Triggered when a user starts watching a channel

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data class UserStopWatchingEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val cid: String, val watcherCount: Int = 0, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val user: User) : CidEvent, UserEvent, HasWatcherCount

Triggered when a user stops watching a channel

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data class UserUpdatedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String, val user: User) : ChatEvent, UserEvent

Triggered when a user is updated

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data class VoteCastedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll, val newVote: Vote) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a vote is casted.

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data class VoteChangedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll, val newVote: Vote) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a vote is changed.

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data class VoteRemovedEvent(val type: String, val createdAt: Date, val rawCreatedAt: String?, val cid: String, val channelType: String, val channelId: String, val message: Message, val poll: Poll, val removedVote: Vote) : CidEvent, HasMessage

Triggered when a vote is removed.