
data class Member(val user: User, val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val isInvited: Boolean? = null, val inviteAcceptedAt: Date? = null, val inviteRejectedAt: Date? = null, val shadowBanned: Boolean = false, val banned: Boolean = false, val channelRole: String? = null, val notificationsMuted: Boolean? = null, val status: String? = null, val banExpires: Date? = null, val pinnedAt: Date? = null, val archivedAt: Date? = null, val extraData: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : UserEntity, CustomObject, ComparableFieldProvider

Represents a channel member.


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constructor(user: User, createdAt: Date? = null, updatedAt: Date? = null, isInvited: Boolean? = null, inviteAcceptedAt: Date? = null, inviteRejectedAt: Date? = null, shadowBanned: Boolean = false, banned: Boolean = false, channelRole: String? = null, notificationsMuted: Boolean? = null, status: String? = null, banExpires: Date? = null, pinnedAt: Date? = null, archivedAt: Date? = null, extraData: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())


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val archivedAt: Date? = null

The date when this channel was archived.

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val banExpires: Date? = null

The date the ban expires.

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val banned: Boolean = false

If channel member is banned.

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val channelRole: String? = null

The user's channel-level role.

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val createdAt: Date? = null

When the user became a member.

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open override val extraData: Map<String, Any>

A map of custom fields for the member.

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val inviteAcceptedAt: Date? = null

The date the invite was accepted.

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val inviteRejectedAt: Date? = null

The date the invite was rejected.

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val isInvited: Boolean? = null

If the user is invited.

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If notifications are muted for the user in the channel.

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val pinnedAt: Date? = null

The date when this channel was pinned.

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val shadowBanned: Boolean = false

If channel member is shadow banned.

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val status: String? = null

The status of the user in the channel.

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val updatedAt: Date? = null

When the membership data was last updated.

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open override val user: User

The user who is a member of the channel.


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open override fun getComparableField(fieldName: String): Comparable<*>?

Gets a comparable fields from a name.

Inherited functions

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open fun <T> getExtraValue(key: String, default: T): T
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open fun getUserId(): String