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data class ChannelListFragmentViewStyle(@Px val searchInputMarginStart: Int, @Px val searchInputMarginTop: Int, @Px val searchInputMarginEnd: Int, @Px val searchInputMarginBottom: Int) : ViewStyle

Style for ChannelListFragment. Use this class together with TransformStyle.channelListFragmentStyleTransformer to change ChannelListFragment styles programmatically.

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data class ChannelListViewStyle(val optionsIcon: Drawable, val deleteIcon: Drawable, val optionsEnabled: Boolean, val deleteEnabled: Boolean, val swipeEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val backgroundLayoutColor: Int, val channelTitleText: TextStyle, val lastMessageText: TextStyle, val lastMessageDateText: TextStyle, val indicatorSentIcon: Drawable, val indicatorReadIcon: Drawable, val indicatorPendingSyncIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val foregroundLayoutColor: Int, val unreadMessageCounterText: TextStyle, @ColorInt val unreadMessageCounterBackgroundColor: Int, val mutedChannelIcon: Drawable, val itemSeparator: Drawable, @LayoutRes val loadingView: Int, @LayoutRes val emptyStateView: Int, @LayoutRes val loadingMoreView: Int, @ColorInt val edgeEffectColor: Int?, val showChannelDeliveryStatusIndicator: Boolean, val readCountEnabled: Boolean, @Px val itemHeight: Int, @Px val itemMarginStart: Int, @Px val itemMarginEnd: Int, @Px val itemTitleMarginStart: Int, @Px val itemVerticalSpacerHeight: Int, @Px val itemVerticalSpacerPosition: Float) : ViewStyle

Style for ChannelListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.channelListStyleTransformer to change ChannelListView styles programmatically.