Package-level declarations


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Returns the number of unread messages in the channel for the current user.

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Duration of the attachment in seconds.

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Duration of the attachment in milliseconds.

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Waveform data of the attachment.


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fun <T> Flow<T>.asLiveData(): LiveData<T>

Creates a LiveData that has values collected from the original Flow.

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Parses CID of channel to channelType and channelId.

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Counts messages in which user is mentioned. The method relies on the Channel.messages list and doesn't do any API call. Therefore, the count might be not reliable as it relies on the local data.

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fun String.createResizedStreamCdnImageUrl(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0, fromInclusive = false) resizedWidthPercentage: Float, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0, fromInclusive = false) resizedHeightPercentage: Float, resizeMode: StreamCdnResizeImageMode? = null, cropMode: StreamCdnCropImageMode? = null): String

Generates a string URL with Stream CDN image resizing query parameters added to it. Once this URL is called, Stream's CDN will generate a resized image which is accessible using the link returned by this function.

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fun Channel.getMembersExcludingCurrent(currentUser: User? = ChatClient.instance().getCurrentUser()): List<Member>

Returns a list of members of the channel excluding the currently logged in user.

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inline fun SharedPreferences.getNonNullString(key: String, defaultValue: String): String

Unlike the getString method it delegates to, this method requires a non-null default value, and therefore guarantees to return a non-null String.

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Returns StreamCdnOriginalImageDimensions if the image is hosted by Stream's CDN and is resizable, otherwise returns null.

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fun Channel.getUsersExcludingCurrent(currentUser: User? = ChatClient.instance().getCurrentUser()): List<User>

Returns a list of users that are members of the channel excluding the currently logged in user.

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Checks if Channel is muted for user.

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Converts string written in snake case to String in camel case with the first symbol in lower case. For example string "created_at_some_time" is converted to "createdAtSomeTime".

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Updates a message that whose request (Edition/Delete/Reaction update...) has failed.

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Update the online state of a message.