
class Builder(apiKey: String, appContext: Context) : ChatClient.ChatClientBuilder

Builder to initialize the singleton ChatClient instance and configure its parameters.



The API key of your Stream Chat app obtained from the Stream Dashboard.


The application Context.


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constructor(apiKey: String, appContext: Context)


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Sets the base URL to be used by the client.

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open override fun build(): ChatClient

Create a ChatClient instance based on the current configuration of the Builder.

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Sets a ChatClientDebugger instance that will be invoked accordingly through various flows within SDK.

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Overrides a default, based on shared preferences implementation for UserCredentialStorage.

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Debug requests using ApiRequestsAnalyser. Use this to debug your requests. This shouldn't be enabled in release builds as it uses a memory cache.

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Allows simultaneous network calls of the same request, avoiding combining them into one. By default distinctApiCalls is enabled.

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By default, ChatClient performs a dummy HTTP call to the Stream API when a user is set to initialize the HTTP connection and make subsequent requests reusing this connection execute faster.

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Sets a custom file uploader implementation that will be used by the client to upload files and images.

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open override fun internalBuild(): ChatClient
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Sets a ChatLoggerHandler instance that will receive log events from the SDK.

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Sets the log level to be used by the client.

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fun notifications(notificationConfig: NotificationConfig, notificationsHandler: NotificationHandler = NotificationHandlerFactory.createNotificationHandler( context = appContext, notificationConfig = notificationConfig, )): ChatClient.Builder

Sets a custom NotificationHandler that the SDK will use to handle everything around push notifications. Create your own subclass and override methods to customize notification appearance and behavior.

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fun okHttpClient(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient): ChatClient.Builder

Sets a custom OkHttpClient that will be used by the client to perform API calls to Stream.

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fun retryPolicy(retryPolicy: RetryPolicy): ChatClient.Builder

Sets a custom RetryPolicy used to determine whether a particular call should be retried. By default, no calls are retried.

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An enumeration of various network types used as a constraint inside upload attachments worker.

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fun withPlugins(vararg pluginFactories: PluginFactory): ChatClient.Builder

Adds plugins factory to be used by the client.

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Inject a RepositoryFactory.Provider to use your own DB Persistence mechanism.