Package-level declarations


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data class AudioRecordingControlsTheme(val height: Dp, val deleteButton: IconContainerStyle, val stopButton: IconContainerStyle, val completeButton: IconContainerStyle)

Represents the theme for the audio recording controls component.

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Represents the theme for the floating icons in the audio recording component.

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data class AudioRecordingFloatingIconStyle(delegate: IconContainerStyle, val backgroundColor: Color, val backgroundShape: Shape)

Represents the style for the floating icon in the audio recording theme.

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data class AudioRecordingHoldToRecordTheme(val containerElevation: Dp, val containerColor: Color, val containerShape: Shape, val containerPadding: ComponentPadding, val contentHeight: Dp, val contentPadding: ComponentPadding, val textStyle: TextStyle)

Represents the theme for the hold to record component.

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data class AudioRecordingPermissionRationaleTheme(val containerElevation: Dp, val containerColor: Color, val containerShape: Shape, val containerPadding: ComponentPadding, val containerBottomOffset: Dp, val contentHeight: Dp, val contentSpace: Dp, val contentPadding: ComponentPadding, val textStyle: TextStyle, val buttonTextStyle: TextStyle)

Represents the theme for the permission rationale component.

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data class AudioRecordingPlaybackTheme(val height: Dp, val micIndicator: IconContainerStyle, val playButton: IconContainerStyle, val pauseButton: IconContainerStyle, val timerTextStyle: TextStyle, val waveformSliderStyle: WaveformSliderStyle, val waveformSliderPadding: ComponentPadding)

Represents the theme for the audio recording playback component.

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data class AudioRecordingSlideToCancelTheme(val textStyle: TextStyle, val iconStyle: IconStyle, val marginEnd: Dp, val threshold: Dp)

Represents the theme for the slide to cancel component.

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data class AudioRecordingTheme(val enabled: Boolean, val sendOnComplete: Boolean, val showRecordButtonOverSend: Boolean, val recordButton: IconContainerStyle, val floatingIcons: AudioRecordingFloatingIconsTheme, val slideToCancel: AudioRecordingSlideToCancelTheme, val playback: AudioRecordingPlaybackTheme, val controls: AudioRecordingControlsTheme, val holdToRecord: AudioRecordingHoldToRecordTheme, val permissionRationale: AudioRecordingPermissionRationaleTheme)

Represents the theme for the audio recording component.