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abstract class BaseQuerySort<T : Any> : QuerySorter<T>

Base class for implementing QuerySorter. This class holds common code for QuerySortByField and QuerySortByReflection.

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Implement this interface to use QuerySortByField. Implementations of this interface must provide comparable fields.

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Implementation of QuerySorter for fields that implements ComparableFieldProvider. This QuerySorter doesn't use reflection and it's more performant than QuerySortByReflection.

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Sort specification for api queries. You can specify QuerySortByReflection by referencing kotlin class property or passing field name as string instance. QuerySortByReflection.asc(Channel::memberCount) and QuerySortByReflection.asc("member_count") mean the same.

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interface QuerySorter<T : Any>

Interface for the sorter of the SDK. Its implementations must provide a comparator to be used for sorting collections of data in the SDK.

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Sort order which can be ascending or descending.