
data class ChannelData(val id: String, val type: String, val name: String = "", val image: String = "", val createdBy: User = User(), val cooldown: Int = 0, val frozen: Boolean = false, val createdAt: Date? = null, val updatedAt: Date? = null, val deletedAt: Date? = null, val memberCount: Int = 0, val team: String = "", val extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), val ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), val membership: Member? = null)

A class that only stores the channel data and not the channel state that changes a lot (for example messages, watchers, etc.).



Channel's unique ID.


Type of the channel.


Channel's name.


Channel's image.


Creator of the channel.


Cooldown period after sending each message in seconds.


Whether channel is frozen or not.


Date/time of creation.


Date/time of the last update.


Date/time of deletion.


Number of members in the channel.


Team the channel belongs to (multi-tenant only).


A map of custom fields for the channel.


Channel's capabilities available for the current user. Note that the field is not provided in the events.


Represents relationship of the current user to the channel.


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constructor(channel: Channel, currentOwnCapabilities: Set<String>)

Creates a ChannelData entity from a Channel object. Keeps existing ChannelData.ownCapabilities if the Channel object comes with an empty set of capabilities.

constructor(id: String, type: String, name: String = "", image: String = "", createdBy: User = User(), cooldown: Int = 0, frozen: Boolean = false, createdAt: Date? = null, updatedAt: Date? = null, deletedAt: Date? = null, memberCount: Int = 0, team: String = "", extraData: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(), ownCapabilities: Set<String> = setOf(), membership: Member? = null)


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val cid: String

The channel id in the format messaging:123.

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val cooldown: Int = 0
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val createdAt: Date? = null
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val deletedAt: Date? = null
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val frozen: Boolean = false
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val id: String
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val memberCount: Int = 0
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val membership: Member? = null
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val updatedAt: Date? = null


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fun isUserAbleTo(channelCapability: String): Boolean

Checks if the user has specific capabilities.

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fun toChannel(messages: List<Message>, cachedLatestMessages: List<Message>, members: List<Member>, reads: List<ChannelUserRead>, watchers: List<User>, watcherCount: Int, insideSearch: Boolean, channelLastMessageAt: Date?): Channel

Converts a ChannelData entity to a Channel based on additional information.

Inherited functions

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Updates the given ChannelData with data from another ChannelData object.