Channel's unique ID.
Type of the channel.
Channel's name.
Channel's image.
Creator of the channel.
Cooldown period after sending each message in seconds.
Whether channel is frozen or not.
Date/time of creation.
Date/time of the last update.
Date/time of deletion.
Number of members in the channel.
Team the channel belongs to (multi-tenant only).
A map of custom fields for the channel.
Channel's capabilities available for the current user. Note that the field is not provided in the events.
Represents relationship of the current user to the channel.
Use Channel.toChannelData instead
Replace with
Creates a ChannelData entity from a Channel object. Keeps existing ChannelData.ownCapabilities if the Channel object comes with an empty set of capabilities.
The Channel object to convert.
Set of existing own capabilities stored for the Channel.