Package-level declarations


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class Debouncer(debounceMs: Long)

Utility class for debouncing high frequency events.

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object Linkify

Linkify links the part of the text based on matching pattern.

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class ListenerDelegate<L : Any>(initialValue: L, wrap: (realListener: () -> L) -> L) : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, L>

A property delegate to be used with listeners.

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fun ImageView.load(data: Any?, placeholderDrawable: Drawable?, transformation: StreamImageLoader.ImageTransformation = ImageTransformation.None, onStart: () -> Unit = {}, onComplete: () -> Unit = {}): Disposable
fun ImageView.load(data: Any?, @DrawableRes placeholderResId: Int? = null, transformation: StreamImageLoader.ImageTransformation = ImageTransformation.None, onStart: () -> Unit = {}, onComplete: () -> Unit = {}): Disposable
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suspend fun ImageView.loadAndResize(data: Any?, placeholderDrawable: Drawable?, transformation: StreamImageLoader.ImageTransformation = ImageTransformation.None, onStart: () -> Unit = {}, onComplete: () -> Unit = {})

Loads an image into a drawable and then applies the drawable to the container, resizing it based on the scale types and the given configuration.

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fun ImageView.loadVideoThumbnail(uri: Uri?, @DrawableRes placeholderResId: Int? = null, transformation: StreamImageLoader.ImageTransformation = ImageTransformation.None, onStart: () -> Unit = {}, onComplete: () -> Unit = {}): Disposable