Package-level declarations


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fun AudioRecordAttachmentContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, attachmentState: AttachmentState, viewModelFactory: AudioPlayerViewModelFactory, getCurrentUserId: () -> String? = { null })

Represents the audio recording attachment content.

fun AudioRecordAttachmentContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, attachment: Attachment, playerState: AudioPlayerState, onPlayToggleClick: (Attachment) -> Unit, onPlaySpeedClick: (Attachment) -> Unit, onScrubberDragStart: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onScrubberDragStop: (Attachment, Float) -> Unit = { _, _ -> })

Represents the audio recording attachment content item.

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fun AudioRecordAttachmentContentItem(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, attachment: Attachment, playerState: AudioPlayerState, isMine: Boolean = false, onPlayToggleClick: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onPlaySpeedClick: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onThumbDragStart: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onThumbDragStop: (Attachment, Float) -> Unit = { _, _ -> })

Represents the audio recording attachment content item.

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fun AudioRecordAttachmentPreviewContent(attachments: List<Attachment>, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, viewModelFactory: AudioPlayerViewModelFactory)
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fun AudioRecordAttachmentPreviewContentItem(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, attachment: Attachment, playerState: AudioPlayerState, onPlayToggleClick: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onThumbDragStart: (Attachment) -> Unit = {}, onThumbDragStop: (Attachment, Float) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit = {})

Represents fallback content for unsupported attachments.

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fun AudioRecordAttachmentQuotedContent(attachment: Attachment, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Builds an audio record attachment quoted message which shows a single audio in the attachments list.

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fun AudioRecordGroupContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, attachmentState: AttachmentState, viewModelFactory: AudioPlayerViewModelFactory)

Represents the audio recording attachment content.

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fun FileAttachmentContent(attachmentState: AttachmentState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, showFileSize: (Attachment) -> Boolean = { true }, onItemClick: (previewHandlers: List<AttachmentPreviewHandler>, attachment: Attachment) -> Unit = ::onFileAttachmentContentItemClick)

Builds a file attachment message which shows a list of files.

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Represents the image that's shown in file attachments. This can be either an image/icon that represents the file type or a thumbnail in case the file type is an image.

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fun FileAttachmentItem(attachment: Attachment, showFileSize: (Attachment) -> Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Represents each file item in the list of file attachments.

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fun FileAttachmentPreviewContent(attachments: List<Attachment>, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

UI for currently selected file attachments, within the MessageInput.

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fun FileAttachmentQuotedContent(attachment: Attachment, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Builds a file attachment quoted message which shows a single file in the attachments list.

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fun FileUploadContent(attachmentState: AttachmentState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onItemClick: (Attachment, List<AttachmentPreviewHandler>) -> Unit = ::onFileUploadContentItemClick)

Represents the content when files are being uploaded.

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fun FileUploadItem(attachment: Attachment, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Represents each uploading item, with its upload progress.

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fun GiphyAttachmentContent(attachmentState: AttachmentState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, giphyInfoType: GiphyInfoType = GiphyInfoType.ORIGINAL, giphySizingMode: GiphySizingMode = GiphySizingMode.ADAPTIVE, contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.Crop, onItemClick: (context: Context, previewUrl: String) -> Unit = ::onGiphyAttachmentContentClick)

Builds a Giphy attachment message.

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fun ImageAttachmentPreviewContent(attachments: List<Attachment>, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

UI for currently selected image attachments, within the MessageInput.

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fun LinkAttachmentContent(attachmentState: AttachmentState, linkDescriptionMaxLines: Int, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onItemClick: (context: Context, Url: String) -> Unit = ::onLinkAttachmentContentClick)

Builds a link attachment message, which shows the link image preview, the title of the link as well as its description.

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fun MediaAttachmentContent(attachmentState: AttachmentState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, maximumNumberOfPreviewedItems: Int = 4, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, onItemClick: (mediaGalleryPreviewLauncher: ManagedActivityResultLauncher<MediaGalleryPreviewContract.Input, MediaGalleryPreviewResult?>, message: Message, attachmentPosition: Int, videoThumbnailsEnabled: Boolean, downloadAttachmentUriGenerator: DownloadAttachmentUriGenerator, downloadRequestInterceptor: DownloadRequestInterceptor, streamCdnImageResizing: StreamCdnImageResizing, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean) -> Unit = ::onMediaAttachmentContentItemClick, itemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { PlayButton() } })

Displays a preview of single or multiple video or attachments.

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fun MediaAttachmentPreviewContent(attachments: List<Attachment>, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, previewItemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { DefaultPreviewItemOverlayContent() } })

UI for currently selected image and video attachments, within the MessageInput.

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fun MediaAttachmentQuotedContent(attachment: Attachment, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Builds an image attachment for a quoted message which is composed from a singe attachment previewing the attached image, link preview or giphy.

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fun MessageAttachmentsContent(message: Message, onLongItemClick: (Message) -> Unit, onMediaGalleryPreviewResult: (MediaGalleryPreviewResult?) -> Unit = {})

Represents the content that's shown in message attachments. We decide if we need to show link previews or other attachments.

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fun QuotedMessageAttachmentContent(message: Message, onLongItemClick: (Message) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onMediaGalleryPreviewResult: (MediaGalleryPreviewResult?) -> Unit = {})

Represents the content that's shown in a quoted message if the attachments are not empty.

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Represents fallback content for unsupported attachments.