Package-level declarations
ViewModel responsible for handling the composing and sending of messages.
A binder class responsible for binding the MessageComposerViewModel with the user interface components. It provides flexibility by allowing custom listeners for various message composer events.
ViewModel class for MessageListHeaderView.
View model class for MessageListView. Responsible for updating the list of messages. Can be bound to the view using MessageListViewModel.bindView function.
A ViewModel factory for MessageListViewModel, MessageListHeaderViewModel and MessageComposerViewModel.
Inherited functions
Binds MessageListHeaderView with MessageListHeaderViewModel, updating the view's state based on data provided by the ViewModel.
Binds MessageListView with MessageListViewModel, updating the view's state based on data provided by the ViewModel, and forwarding View events to the ViewModel.
Function which connects MessageComposerView to MessageComposerViewModel. As a result the view renders the state delivered by the ViewModel, and the ViewModel intercepts the user's actions automatically.
Function which connects MessageComposerView to MessageComposerViewModel. As a result the view renders the state delivered by the ViewModel, and the ViewModel intercepts the user's actions automatically. The main difference with bindView is that listeners in this function do not override the default behaviour.