
data class AudioPlayerState(val current: AudioPlayerState.CurrentAudioState = CurrentAudioState(), val seekTo: IntFloatMap = intFloatMapOf())

Represents the state of the audio player.


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constructor(current: AudioPlayerState.CurrentAudioState = CurrentAudioState(), seekTo: IntFloatMap = intFloatMapOf())


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data class CurrentAudioState(val playingId: Int = -1, val playingSpeed: Float = 1.0f, val playingProgress: Float = 0.0f, val audioUri: String = "", val waveform: List<Float> = emptyList(), val playbackInMs: Int = 0, val durationInMs: Int = 0, val isLoading: Boolean = false, val isPlaying: Boolean = false, val isSeeking: Boolean = false)

Represents the ongoing state of the audio player.


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The ongoing state of the audio player.

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The seekTo state of the audio player.


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