data class MessageItem(val message: Message, val positions: List<MessagePosition> = listOf(), val isMine: Boolean = false, val messageReadBy: List<ChannelUserRead> = listOf(), val isThreadMode: Boolean = false, val isMessageRead: Boolean = true, val showMessageFooter: Boolean = false) : MessageListItem
Represent a message item in a MessageListView.
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constructor(message: Message, positions: List<MessagePosition> = listOf(), isMine: Boolean = false, messageReadBy: List<ChannelUserRead> = listOf(), isThreadMode: Boolean = false, isMessageRead: Boolean = true, showMessageFooter: Boolean = false)
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True if the message has been read or not.
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True if the message is in a thread mode, otherwise false.
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The list of users that already read the message.
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The list of positions that should be displayed in the message item.
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True if the message footer should be displayed, otherwise false.
Inherited functions
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Checks if the message is the last in a group, meaning it has no messages below it. A message with MessagePosition.NONE is also considered the last in the group, as it represents a single isolated message.
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