data class SearchInputViewStyle(@ColorInt val textColor: Int, @ColorInt val hintColor: Int, val searchIconDrawable: Drawable, val clearInputDrawable: Drawable, val backgroundDrawable: Drawable, val backgroundDrawableOutline: SearchInputViewStyle.DrawableOutline?, @ColorInt val containerBackgroundColor: Int, val hintText: String, val textSize: Int, @Px val textMarginStart: Int, @Px val textMarginEnd: Int, val searchInputHeight: Int, @Px val searchIconWidth: Int, @Px val searchIconHeight: Int, @Px val searchIconMarginStart: Int, @Px val clearIconWidth: Int, @Px val clearIconHeight: Int, @Px val clearIconMarginEnd: Int) : ViewStyle
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constructor(@ColorInt textColor: Int, @ColorInt hintColor: Int, searchIconDrawable: Drawable, clearInputDrawable: Drawable, backgroundDrawable: Drawable, backgroundDrawableOutline: SearchInputViewStyle.DrawableOutline?, @ColorInt containerBackgroundColor: Int, hintText: String, textSize: Int, @Px textMarginStart: Int, @Px textMarginEnd: Int, searchInputHeight: Int, @Px searchIconWidth: Int, @Px searchIconHeight: Int, @Px searchIconMarginStart: Int, @Px clearIconWidth: Int, @Px clearIconHeight: Int, @Px clearIconMarginEnd: Int)
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Drawable used as the view's background.
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The height of the clear icon.
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The end margin of the clear icon.
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The width of the clear icon.
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Drawable of clear input icon visible on the left side of the SearchInputView.
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Color of the container background.
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Drawable of search icon visible on the right side of the SearchInputView.
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The height of the search icon.
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The start margin of the search icon.
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The width of the search icon.
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The height of the root container.
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The end margin of the input text.
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The start margin of the input text.