
class MediaAttachmentFactory(maximumNumberOfPreviewedItems: Int = 4, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, onContentItemClick: (mediaGalleryPreviewLauncher: ManagedActivityResultLauncher<MediaGalleryPreviewContract.Input, MediaGalleryPreviewResult?>, message: Message, attachmentPosition: Int, videoThumbnailsEnabled: Boolean, downloadAttachmentUriGenerator: DownloadAttachmentUriGenerator, downloadRequestInterceptor: DownloadRequestInterceptor, streamCdnImageResizing: StreamCdnImageResizing, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean) -> Unit = ::onMediaAttachmentContentItemClick, itemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { DefaultItemOverlayContent() } }, previewItemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { DefaultPreviewItemOverlayContent() } }) : AttachmentFactory

An AttachmentFactory that is able to handle Image and Video attachments.



The maximum number of thumbnails that can be displayed in a group when previewing Media attachments in the message list. Values between 4 and 8 are optimal.


Used by the media gallery. If set to true will skip enriching URLs when you update the message by deleting an attachment contained within it. Set to false by default.


Lambda called when an item gets clicked.


Represents the content overlaid above individual items. By default it is used to display a play button over video previews.


Represents the content overlaid above individual preview items. By default it is used to display a play button over video previews.


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constructor(maximumNumberOfPreviewedItems: Int = 4, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, onContentItemClick: (mediaGalleryPreviewLauncher: ManagedActivityResultLauncher<MediaGalleryPreviewContract.Input, MediaGalleryPreviewResult?>, message: Message, attachmentPosition: Int, videoThumbnailsEnabled: Boolean, downloadAttachmentUriGenerator: DownloadAttachmentUriGenerator, downloadRequestInterceptor: DownloadRequestInterceptor, streamCdnImageResizing: StreamCdnImageResizing, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean) -> Unit = ::onMediaAttachmentContentItemClick, itemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { DefaultItemOverlayContent() } }, previewItemOverlayContent: @Composable (attachmentType: String?) -> Unit = { attachmentType -> if (attachmentType == AttachmentType.VIDEO) { DefaultPreviewItemOverlayContent() } })

Inherited properties

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val canHandle: (attachments: List<Attachment>) -> Boolean
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val content: @Composable (modifier: Modifier, attachmentState: AttachmentState) -> Unit
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val previewContent: @Composable (modifier: Modifier, attachments: List<Attachment>, onAttachmentRemoved: (Attachment) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null
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val textFormatter: (attachments: Attachment) -> String
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