Package-level declarations


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Small extension function designed to add a scheme to URLs that do not have one so that they can be opened using android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW

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Checks if a message contains a link using a regular expression.

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Create the default channel list filter for the given user.

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fun Channel.getDisplayName(context: Context, currentUser: User? = ChatClient.instance().clientState.user.value, @StringRes fallback: Int, maxMembers: Int = 2): String

Returns the channel name if exists, or the list of member names if the channel is distinct.

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fun User.getLastSeenText(context: Context, @StringRes userOnlineResId: Int, @StringRes userLastSeenJustNowResId: Int, @StringRes userLastSeenResId: Int): String

Returns a string describing the elapsed time since the user was online (was watching the channel).

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fun Channel.getMembersStatusText(context: Context, currentUser: User?, @StringRes userOnlineResId: Int, @StringRes userLastSeenJustNowResId: Int, @StringRes userLastSeenResId: Int, @PluralsRes memberCountResId: Int, @StringRes memberCountWithOnlineResId: Int): String

Returns a string describing the member status of the channel: either a member count for a group channel or the last seen text for a direct one-to-one conversation with the current user.

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fun Channel.getPreviewMessage(currentUser: User?): Message?

Returns channel's last regular or system message if exists. Deleted and silent messages, as well as messages from shadow-banned users, are not taken into account.

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If the date is not older than one minute.

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