Builds a list of message items, based on the itemContent parameter and the state provided within messagesState. Also handles the pagination events, by propagating the event to the call site.
Finally, it handles the scrolling behavior, such as when a new message arrives, be it ours or from someone else.
Current state of messages, like messages to display, if we're loading more and if we've reached the end of the list.
State of the lazy list that represents the list of messages. Useful for controlling the scroll state and focused message offset.
Thread messages start at the bottom or top of the screen. Default: ThreadMessagesStart.BOTTOM.
Handler for pagination, when the user reaches the start of messages.
Handler that notifies us when the user scrolls and the last visible message changes.
Handler when the user reaches the bottom of the list.
Handler for pagination, when the user reaches the end of messages.
Handler when the user requests to scroll to the bottom of the messages list.
Modifier for styling.
Padding values to be applied to the message list surrounding the content inside.
Composable that, by default, represents the helper content featuring scrolling behavior based on the list state.
Composable that represents the loading more content, when we're loading the next page.
Modifier for styling the message item container.
Composable that represents the item that displays each message.