Package-level declarations
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Contains the message dialogs used to prompt the user with message flagging and deletion actions
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fun MessageModerationDialog(listViewModel: MessageListViewModel, composerViewModel: MessageComposerViewModel, skipPushNotification: Boolean, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean)
Contains the dialog for a message that needs to be moderated.
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fun MessagesScreen(viewModelFactory: MessagesViewModelFactory, showHeader: Boolean = true, messageContentFactory: MessageContentFactory = ChatTheme.messageContentFactory, reactionSorting: ReactionSorting = ReactionSortingByFirstReactionAt, onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, onHeaderTitleClick: (channel: Channel) -> Unit = {}, onChannelAvatarClick: () -> Unit = {}, onComposerLinkPreviewClick: (LinkPreview) -> Unit? = null, onMessageLinkClick: (Message, String) -> Unit? = null, onUserAvatarClick: (User) -> Unit = {}, onUserMentionClick: (User) -> Unit = {}, skipPushNotification: Boolean = false, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean = false, showAnonymousAvatar: Boolean = false, threadMessagesStart: ThreadMessagesStart = ThreadMessagesStart.BOTTOM, topBarContent: @Composable (BackAction) -> Unit = {
viewModelFactory = viewModelFactory,
backAction = it,
onHeaderTitleClick = onHeaderTitleClick,
onChannelAvatarClick = onChannelAvatarClick,
}, bottomBarContent: @Composable () -> Unit = {
viewModelFactory = viewModelFactory,
onComposerLinkPreviewClick = onComposerLinkPreviewClick,
skipPushNotification = skipPushNotification,
skipEnrichUrl = skipEnrichUrl,
Default root Messages screen component, that provides the necessary ViewModels and connects all the data handling operations, as well as some basic actions, like back pressed handling.
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Inherited functions
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fun BoxScope.AttachmentsPickerMenu(listViewModel: MessageListViewModel, attachmentsPickerViewModel: AttachmentsPickerViewModel, composerViewModel: MessageComposerViewModel)
Contains the attachments picker menu wrapped inside of an animated composable.
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fun BoxScope.MessageMenus(listViewModel: MessageListViewModel, composerViewModel: MessageComposerViewModel, skipPushNotification: Boolean, skipEnrichUrl: Boolean)
Contains the various menus and pickers the user can use to interact with messages.