
data class MessageListViewStyle(val scrollButtonViewStyle: ScrollButtonViewStyle, val scrollButtonBehaviour: MessageListView.NewMessagesBehaviour, val itemStyle: MessageListItemStyle, val giphyViewHolderStyle: GiphyViewHolderStyle, val audioRecordPlayerViewStyle: MessageViewStyle<AudioRecordPlayerViewStyle>, val replyMessageStyle: MessageReplyStyle, val unreadLabelButtonStyle: UnreadLabelButtonStyle, val reactionsEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt val backgroundColor: Int, val replyIcon: Int, val replyEnabled: Boolean, val threadReplyIcon: Int, val threadsEnabled: Boolean, val retryIcon: Int, val copyIcon: Int, val markAsUnreadIcon: Int, val editMessageEnabled: Boolean, val editIcon: Int, val flagIcon: Int, val flagEnabled: Boolean, val pinIcon: Int, val unpinIcon: Int, val pinMessageEnabled: Boolean, val deleteIcon: Int, val deleteMessageEnabled: Boolean, val blockUserIcon: Int, val blockUserEnabled: Boolean, val copyTextEnabled: Boolean, val markAsUnreadEnabled: Boolean, val retryMessageEnabled: Boolean, val deleteConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, val flagMessageConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, val messageOptionsText: TextStyle, val warningMessageOptionsText: TextStyle, @ColorInt val messageOptionsBackgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt val userReactionsBackgroundColor: Int, val userReactionsTitleText: TextStyle, @ColorInt val optionsOverlayDimColor: Int, val emptyViewTextStyle: TextStyle, @LayoutRes val loadingView: Int, val messagesStart: Int, val threadMessagesStart: Int, val messageOptionsUserReactionAlignment: Int, val scrollButtonBottomMargin: Int, val scrollButtonEndMargin: Int, val disableScrollWhenShowingDialog: Boolean, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginEnd: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginEnd: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginTop: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginBottom: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginStart: Int, val optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginEnd: Int, val showReactionsForUnsentMessages: Boolean, val readCountEnabled: Boolean) : ViewStyle

Style for MessageListView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.messageListStyleTransformer to change MessageListView styles programmatically.


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constructor(scrollButtonViewStyle: ScrollButtonViewStyle, scrollButtonBehaviour: MessageListView.NewMessagesBehaviour, itemStyle: MessageListItemStyle, giphyViewHolderStyle: GiphyViewHolderStyle, audioRecordPlayerViewStyle: MessageViewStyle<AudioRecordPlayerViewStyle>, replyMessageStyle: MessageReplyStyle, unreadLabelButtonStyle: UnreadLabelButtonStyle, reactionsEnabled: Boolean, @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int, replyIcon: Int, replyEnabled: Boolean, threadReplyIcon: Int, threadsEnabled: Boolean, retryIcon: Int, copyIcon: Int, markAsUnreadIcon: Int, editMessageEnabled: Boolean, editIcon: Int, flagIcon: Int, flagEnabled: Boolean, pinIcon: Int, unpinIcon: Int, pinMessageEnabled: Boolean, deleteIcon: Int, deleteMessageEnabled: Boolean, blockUserIcon: Int, blockUserEnabled: Boolean, copyTextEnabled: Boolean, markAsUnreadEnabled: Boolean, retryMessageEnabled: Boolean, deleteConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, flagMessageConfirmationEnabled: Boolean, messageOptionsText: TextStyle, warningMessageOptionsText: TextStyle, @ColorInt messageOptionsBackgroundColor: Int, @ColorInt userReactionsBackgroundColor: Int, userReactionsTitleText: TextStyle, @ColorInt optionsOverlayDimColor: Int, emptyViewTextStyle: TextStyle, @LayoutRes loadingView: Int, messagesStart: Int, threadMessagesStart: Int, messageOptionsUserReactionAlignment: Int, scrollButtonBottomMargin: Int, scrollButtonEndMargin: Int, disableScrollWhenShowingDialog: Boolean, optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginTop: Int, optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginBottom: Int, optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginStart: Int, optionsOverlayEditReactionsMarginEnd: Int, optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginTop: Int, optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginBottom: Int, optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginStart: Int, optionsOverlayUserReactionsMarginEnd: Int, optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginTop: Int, optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginBottom: Int, optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginStart: Int, optionsOverlayMessageOptionsMarginEnd: Int, showReactionsForUnsentMessages: Boolean, readCountEnabled: Boolean)


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object Companion


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MessageListView background color. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white_snow.

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Icon for copy option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_copy.

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Enables/disables copy text feature. Enabled by default.

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Enables/disables showing confirmation dialog before deleting message. Enabled by default.

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Icon for delete message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_delete.

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Enables/disables delete message feature. Enabled by default.

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Enables/disables scroll while a dialog is shown over the message list.

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Icon for edit message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_edit.

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Enables/disables edit message feature. Enabled by default.

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Style for the text displayed in the empty view when no data is present.

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Enables/disables "flag message" option.

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Icon for flag message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_flag.

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Enables/disables showing confirmation dialog before flagging message. Disabled by default.

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Style for message list view holders.

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Layout for the loading view. Default value is R.layout.stream_ui_default_loading_view.

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Background color of message options. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white.

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Text appearance of message option items.

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Alignment of the message options user reaction bubble. Default value is MessageOptionsUserReactionAlignment.BY_USER.

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Messages start at the bottom or top of the screen. Default: bottom.

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Overlay dim color. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_literal_transparent.

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Defines the margin between the selected message and the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay.

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Defines the end margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the start margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the top margin between the edit reactions bubble on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the bottom margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the user reactions view.

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Defines the end margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the start margin between the message option list on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the margin between the selected message and the message option list on the options overlay.

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Defines the bottom margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the end margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the start margin between the user reaction list on the options overlay and the parent.

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Defines the margin between the selected message and the user reaction list on the options overlay.

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Icon for pin message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_pin.

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Enables/disables pin message feature. Disabled by default.

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Enables/disables reactions feature. Enabled by default.

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Enables/disables read count. Enabled by default.

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Enables/disables reply feature. Enabled by default.

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Icon for reply option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_arrow_curve_left_grey.

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Styles messages that are replies.

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Icon for retry option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_send.

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Enables/disables retry failed message feature. Enabled by default.

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Defines the bottom margin of the scroll button.

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Defines the end margin of the scroll button.

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Style for ScrollButtonView.

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If we need to show the edit reactions bubble for unsent messages on the options overlay.

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Thread messages start at the bottom or top of the screen. Default: bottom.

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Icon for thread option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_thread_reply.

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Enables/disables threads feature. Enabled by default.

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Icon for unpin message option. Default value is R.drawable.stream_ui_ic_unpin.

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Background color of user reactions card. Default value is R.color.stream_ui_white.

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Text appearance of of user reactions card title.

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Text appearance of warning message option items.