Package-level declarations
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data class IncomingCallStyle(val incomingScreenBackground: Drawable, val acceptCallIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val acceptCallIconTint: Int, val acceptCallBackground: Drawable, @ColorInt val acceptCallBackgroundTint: Int, val declineCallIcon: Drawable, @ColorInt val declineCallIconTint: Int, val declineCallBackground: Drawable, @ColorInt val declineCallBackgroundTint: Int, val videoButtonIconEnabled: Drawable, val videoButtonIconDisabled: Drawable, @ColorInt val videoButtonIconTint: Int, val videoButtonBackground: Drawable, @ColorInt val videoButtonBackgroundTint: Int)
Style for IncomingCallView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.incomingCallStyleTransformer to change IncomingCallView styles programmatically.
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Represents the Incoming Call state and UI, when the user receives a call from other people.