Package-level declarations
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fun OutgoingCallContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, call: Call, isVideoType: Boolean, isShowingHeader: Boolean = true, backgroundContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit? = null, headerContent: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit? = null, detailsContent: @Composable ColumnScope.(participants: List<MemberState>, topPadding: Dp) -> Unit? = null, controlsContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit? = null, onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, onCallAction: (CallAction) -> Unit = {})
fun OutgoingCallContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, call: Call, isVideoType: Boolean = true, participants: List<MemberState>, isShowingHeader: Boolean = true, backgroundContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit? = null, headerContent: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit? = null, detailsContent: @Composable ColumnScope.(participants: List<MemberState>, topPadding: Dp) -> Unit? = null, controlsContent: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit? = null, onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, onCallAction: (CallAction) -> Unit = {})
Represents the Outgoing Call state and UI, when the user is calling other people.
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fun OutgoingCallControls(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, isVideoCall: Boolean = true, isCameraEnabled: Boolean, isMicrophoneEnabled: Boolean, onCallAction: (CallAction) -> Unit)
A list of call control action buttons that allows people to accept or cancel a call.
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fun OutgoingCallDetails(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, isVideoType: Boolean = true, participants: List<MemberState>)
A details of an outgoing call that displays a list of participant information.