Package-level declarations


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data class CallControlItem(@DrawableRes val icon: Int, @ColorRes val iconTint: Int, @ColorRes val backgroundTint: Int, val action: CallAction, val enabled: Boolean = true)

A singe call control item to be exposed to the user in the CallControlsView.

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data class CallControlsStyle(@Px val callControlButtonSize: Int, @Px val callControlButtonSizeLandscape: Int, val callControlsBackground: Drawable, val callControlsBackgroundLandscape: Drawable, @ColorInt val callControlsBackgroundColor: Int)

Style for CallControlsView. Use this class together with TransformStyle.callControlsStyleTransformer to change CallControlsStyle styles programmatically.

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Represents the set of controls the user can use to change their audio and video device state, or browse other types of settings, leave the call, or implement something custom.

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data class ControlButtonStyle(val icon: Drawable?, @ColorInt val iconTint: Int, val background: Drawable?, @ColorInt val backgroundTint: Int, val enabled: Boolean, val backgroundEnabledAlpha: Float, val backgroundDisabledAlpha: Float)

Style for ControlButtonStyle. Use this class together with TransformStyle.controlButtonStyleTransformer to change ControlButtonStyle styles programmatically.