fun CallContent( call: Call, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, layout: LayoutType = LayoutType.DYNAMIC, permissions: VideoPermissionsState = rememberCallPermissionsState(call = call), onBackPressed: () -> Unit = {}, onCallAction: (CallAction) -> Unit = { DefaultOnCallActionHandler.onCallAction(call, it) }, appBarContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = {
call = call,
onCallAction = onCallAction,
}, style: VideoRendererStyle = RegularVideoRendererStyle(), videoRenderer: @Composable (modifier: Modifier, call: Call, participant: ParticipantState, style: VideoRendererStyle) -> Unit = { videoModifier, videoCall, videoParticipant, videoStyle ->
modifier = videoModifier,
call = videoCall,
participant = videoParticipant,
style = videoStyle,
}, floatingVideoRenderer: @Composable BoxScope.(call: Call, IntSize) -> Unit? = null, videoContent: @Composable RowScope.(call: Call) -> Unit = {
layoutType = layout,
call = call,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = VideoTheme.dimens.spacingXXs),
style = style,
videoRenderer = videoRenderer,
floatingVideoRenderer = floatingVideoRenderer,
}, videoOverlayContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = {}, controlsContent: @Composable (call: Call) -> Unit = {
modifier = Modifier.wrapContentWidth(),
call = call,
onCallAction = onCallAction,
}, enableInPictureInPicture: Boolean = true, pictureInPictureContent: @Composable (Call) -> Unit = { DefaultPictureInPictureContent(it) }, enableDiagnostics: Boolean = false, closedCaptionUi: @Composable (Call) -> Unit = {}) Represents the UI in an Active call that shows participants and their video, as well as some extra UI features to control the call settings, browse participants and more.
The call includes states and will be rendered with participants.
the type of layout that the call content will display LayoutType
Handler when the user taps on the back button.
Android permissions that should be required to render a video call properly.
Handler when the user triggers a Call Control Action.
Content is shown that calls information or additional actions.
Defined properties for styling a single video call track.
A single video renderer renders each individual participant.
A floating video renderer renders an individual participant.
Content is shown that renders all participants' videos.
Content is shown that allows users to trigger different actions to control a joined call.
If the user has engaged in Picture-In-Picture mode.
Content shown when the user enters Picture in Picture mode, if it's been enabled in the app.
You can pass your composable lambda here to render Closed Captions